Chapter 6: "I'll Go That Far."

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Author’s Note: Before I begin, yes, I know I've been gone for a while. I've just been dealing with life.

The driver suddenly drove off, pushing Y/N, Hoseok, and Jimin into the seats.

Jimin: I don't think you did that hard enough.

???: Oh, Mr. Park, let's not forget about the time you nearly drove off a cliff because you wanted to get to McDonald's before they closed.

Jimin: I was hungry.

???: Are you sure that you weren't on your period?

Jimin: I'm very sure!

Y/N chuckled.

Jimin: What are you laughing at?! His voice deepened.

Y/N: Oh, uh…

Jimin: Answer the damn question.

Hoseok and the driver both looked away, trying not to get involved.

Y/N: I saw some bird… and it flew into a pole.

Jimin: I can tell that you're lying. I'll let you get away this time, but only because there's other people around us. Don't fucking slip up again.

Hoseok gave Jimin a dirty look, but Jimin didn't notice.

Hoseok slightly leaned over to discreetly whisper in Y/N's ear.

Hoseok: Don't let Jimin put you down. On the inside, he isn't truly like this.

Y/N: But what if he is?

Hoseok: Then you're in for some bad shit.

Y/N: What if he kills me?

Hoseok: I don't think he'll go that far.

Jimin: I'll go that far.

Y/N and Hoseok both looked up at Jimin.

Y/N: W-Would you?

Jimin: Absolutely. I have no limitations.

Hoseok: Even if it was Y/N?

Jimin: Sure, why not?

???: Uh, we're here.

Jimin looked out the vehicle's window.

Jimin: Another hotel? Are they stupid?

???: They always make their location a bit obvious.

Jimin: You think?

Jimin opened the car door and stepped out.

He turned to face Hoseok and Y/N, both still sitting in the car.

Jimin: Why're you still sitting there? Let's go already!

Hoseok and Y/N: We don't want to get out.

Jimin: Get the fuck out. Now.

???: Mr. Park-

Jimin: Shut the hell up!

???: I apologize, Mr. Park.

Jimin: Good. Now you two, out of the car.

Hoseok: C-Can I just stay behind?

Jimin: He sighed. Fine. Y/N, get out.

Y/N sighed, and followed Jimin to the front of the hotel.

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