Chapter 16: Another Loss

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Doctor: I'm sorry for your loss... but we need to get the body out of here. We have more patients that need to be treated. I'd allow you to spend some more time here, but as a doctor, I need to treat other patients.

They left the hospital with blank faces.

It had felt like they lost a part of them, because they did.

Yoongi was with them throughout their time in the music industry, and was always with them afterward.

They all felt empty, now.

This was all Jimin's fault.

If only Jimin hadn't changed...

If only everything had been talked through or thought out...

...This wouldn't have happened.

Why would Jimin kill his own friend?

Taehyung: His voice was shaky. How can we even go on?

Namjoon: He put his arm around Taehyung. It'll be okay...

Taehyung: No it won't...

Taehyung ran off.

Namjoon: Wait!

The others followed.

Taehyung entered an old, abandoned building.

The others followed.

Taehyung went up the stairs, reaching the roof.

The others followed.

Taehyung stood near the edge.

Jungkook was ahead of everyone else.

He grabbed Taehyung's shirt.

Jungkook: STOP!

Taehyung: I can't go on anymore...

Taehyung shoved Jungkook to the floor.

Taehyung jumped off the building.

Jungkook stepped back.

Jungkook: No...

The others reached the building's roof.

Jin: Where's Taehyung?

Jungkook stayed silent.

In the silence, there was a loud thud.

Jungkook flinched at the sound.

Soon after, everyone knew what had just happened.

Y/N: Not him too...

Namjoon: First Yoongi... then Taehyung?!?!

Jin: This cannot be happening...

Hoseok: Dammit... WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!

Jungkook: I couldn't stop him... he pushed me to the ground...

Hoseok: Let's just go somewhere SAFE so no one gets any ideas, and stay there, because we have no idea about Jimin's whereabouts currently.

Namjoon: He's right. Namjoon sniffled. We can't lose anyone else. First we lost Jimin as a friend, then Yoongi was killed, and now Taehyung's committed suicide. This is too much for us to handle.

Jimin walked onto the roof, his left hand covering his left eye.

Jimin: Jungkook... your fist made me lose my eye, now my gun will make you lose your life!

Jimin pointed his gun toward Jungkook.

Y/N: No!

Y/N tackled Jimin and brought him to the floor.

She was on top of him, trying to get ahold of his gun.

Y/N: Run!

Jimin: Not so fast!

Jimin pointed his gun toward the group and shot his gun 4 times.

Jimin was too strong for Y/N.

One of the bullets hit Jin's leg.

Jin: He clutched his leg. AW FUCK!!

Despite his fresh gun wound, Jin managed to limp away fast enough before Jimin could shoot his gun again.

Jimin managed to point his gun into Y/N's side, aiming at some of her vital organs.

Jimin: You're pathetically weak.

Jimin pulled the trigger.

To be continued...

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