Chapter 30: ?

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the sun rose over the horizon and burned y/n's eyes as she awoke from her deep sleep in jungkook's arms.

Jungkook: aw, you're finally awake.

Y/N: how long have you been up for?

Jungkook: gonna be real honest, i have no fucking clue.

Y/N: dummy.

Jungkook: you're the dummy!

Y/N: no u

Jungkook: fine then, i'm the dummy

Y/N: haha loser

Jungkook: shut up

Y/N: make me.

he kissed her.

Y/N: oh well thanks

jungkook smiled.

Y/N: she yawned. i'm gonna try to go back to sleep, i can barely keep my eyes open. she rolled over.

jungkook got up and left the room to clean himself up.

but then he noticed the big mess that he and y/n left behind last night.

Jungkook: motherfucker-

he quickly began cleaning the mess before anybody else woke up, in hopes that it somehow wasn't seen the night before.

as jungkook picked up the last of the mess, namjoon walked out of his room.

Namjoon: whatcha doing?

Jungkook: n-nothing

Namjoon: don't worry. we already saw everything last night.


Namjoon: of course it was. I meant we saw everything out here.

Jungkook: oh thank god

Namjoon: jeez, what the hell were you doing that makes you wanna hide it so bad?

Jungkook: it was normal... you know. i just didn't want you guys to see, especially jin and hoseok.

Namjoon: can i ask you something?

Jungkook: um... sure i guess.

Namjoon: do you want to spend the rest of your life with her?

Jungkook: is that even a fucking question?? of course i do!

Namjoon: do you think she feels the same way?

Jungkook: not really.

Namjoon: what makes you think that?

Jungkook: i don't know, i just don't think she'd wanna be with me for the rest of her life.

Namjoon: wanna know the truth?

Jungkook: ...yes.

Namjoon: she really does want to stay with you forever.

Jungkook: and how do you know that?

Namjoon: i asked her when we were on our way here. i'm surprised you didn't hear the way she answered me. jungkook, i'm telling you, that girl doesn't want anybody except for you.

Jungkook: r-really?

Namjoon: of course! i knew it would all come together when i first saw you two meet each other's eyes.

y/n walked out of the room.

Y/N: what the hell are you guys talking about?

Namjoon: oh, nothing. why?

Y/N: i need to tell jungkook something.

jungkook walked into the room.

they met each other's eyes.

Jungkook: what'd you want to tell me?

Y/N: i...

To be continued...

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