Chapter 14: New Trouble

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Namjoon: Why can't we stay here?

Hoseok: Jimin's already onto us. Knowing him, he's already on his way here.

Taehyung: How'd he find out about us?

Namjoon: Twitter...

Taehyung: Oh shit, I forgot.

Jungkook: This is why you're not in charge of things.

Yoongi: We've fucking lost you before. You wandered off.

Taehyung: That happened?! Why didn't anyone tell me!!??

Y/N: Tae...

Taehyung: WHAT???

Hoseok: Alright alright, enough already! We have more important problems!

Jungkook: Yeah, if Jimin kills us, you'll never finish this argument.

Namjoon: This argument shouldn't be happened in the first place, it's so retarded!

Yoongi: It's really pointless. In conclusion, Kim Taehyung, you are officially an idiot.

Taehyung: He whipped out an Uno Reverse Card. NO U

Y/N: and i oop-

Namjoon: Are we gonna get murdered by a mafia king or not?

Yoongi: I'm fine with getting murdered. I mean, someone's putting you out of your misery. Be thankful, man. It's not that often where someone decides to be like "you shouldn't be alive" and then they kill you!

Y/N: What world are you living in?

Yoongi: Jin's asshole

Jin: You said you wouldn't tell anyone!

Yoongi: oOp

Jungkook: So Yoongi's drunk.

Taehyung: Where did he get the alcohol from?

Jin pointed to an empty bottle of vodka on the ground.

Jin: We don't know where he got it from, but now we know what he drank.

Jungkook: That's a bigass bottle.

Yoongi threw up all over the floor.


Taehyung: okay. He let out a snicker.

Y/N: You guys are so weird.

There was a knock on the door.

Everyone stiffened.

???: Jung Hoseok? Are you in there?

The eyes of Jung Hoseok widened. He looked like a deer in headlights.

Hoseok: He whispered. Don't move a muscle. I know who that is.

It's NOT Jimin.

There was pounding on the door.


The door was kicked down.

???: So it really is you...

To be continued...

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