chapter 16

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That night you sit with y/bff/n in your room talking.
Y/bff/n: Oke nobody is here except from us so tell me everything.
You: about what?
Y/bff/n: about you and Daniel of course.
You: oh alright then, what do you want to know?
y/bff/n: everything. Who asked? Where did he asked?
‘and of course how big is he?’ she says with a wink.
You: he asked me, In a beautiful place but where precisely is hard to explain. And I don't know and I also don't care.
y/bff/n: wait so you guys didn't do it yet?
You: no of course not.
Y/bff/n: why not? I mean you love him right?
You: yes I love him.
Y/bff/n: then what is the point?
‘the point is that I'm still a virgin and I don't want to do it yet bc I am scared.’ You say a little embarrassed.
Y/bff/n: why didn't you told me that?
You: I don't know I think I’m ashamed or something.
Y/bff/n: you don't have to be ashamed for that, but enough about that now a much more important question.. When are we going to eat I'm starving!
You laugh at her and then you hear the guys scream.
Corbyn: do you girls want sushi to?
You&y/bff/n: how can you even ask that of course!
That night you eat sushi and play games and the guys play music so now and then.
Zach: this time you need to sing with us.
You: oh no I don’t sing.
Y/bff/n: neither do I.
Jack: oh come on it will be fun.
Jack&Zach: pleaseee.
You: fine.
Y/bff/n: no still not singing.
Zach: ugh alright then, at least we got one girl.
Jonah: which song?
Daniel: 8 letters!
Jonah: alright then.
You: wait which part must I sing?
Daniel: you can sing my part.
Before you can say anything Daniel starts to play on his guitar and then Jonah starts to sing, then Zach, then Jack, then Corbyn. Now it’s my turn you think when they come to Daniels part, you start to sing and everyone looks amazed at you but Daniel keeps playing so you keep singing. When Daniels part is over Daniel stopped playing and stares at you just like everyone else does.

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