chapter 33

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I should have known’ Daniel says laughing.
Daniel: anyway I have to go, I am going to see an old friend.
You: okay, have fun.
‘thx babe, I will.’ Daniel gives you a kiss and walks out the door.
Daniel opens the door and it gets almost in y/bff/n her face.
Daniel: oops, sorry.
‘it’s okay.’ y/bff/n says smiling.
Daniel goes to the side to let y/bff/n pass and then goes outside and closes the door.
You: so what you wanna do today?
Y/bff/n: I was thinking of just going to shop or something, just walking through the city.
You: that’s an amazing idea, let’s go. You and y/bff/n walk outside and get in y/bff/n her car. You drive to the city and just walk around and sometimes you go into a store. After a while you go to Starbucks bc you’re hungry.
Y/bff/n: I would like a caramel Frappuccino.
You: and I would like a double chocolate chip crème Frappuccino.
girl: alright, just go sit on a table and we will bring it to you in a few minutes.
You: alright.
??: y/n??

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