Dragon X Reader

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You lived in a small town in Ireland. You had just moved there to finish your education and to practice magic. You are a witch and love to practice whenever you can. You used to live in America, but you lost your job and had to move, which is another reason why you are here. You have also heard many stories of folklore that lived out here in Ireland and you wanted to see them with your own eyes. 

You yawned and stretched as you got out of the car and looked at your new home. It was a small surrounded by flowers and plant life. It was a beautiful place and it was just outside the town on the edge of the forest. You smiled as you looked at the small cabin and began to bring boxes inside it. The cabin was really small and didn't have enough room for many things, but you didn't mind this. You walked to the section that would be your bedroom and set down a box full of art supplies by the desk that was beside the bed.

Once you were finished carrying boxes inside and unpacking them you went to go into the forest and take a look around at everything. You had noticed a path that made its way down into the woods. You were curious about this little dirt path and decided to follow it. You walked down the path, into the forest. The forest was beautiful with different shades of green and the sound of birds above your head. It was perfect, you were glad you moved here. 

The path ended as a small flower field that ended with a cliff. The cliff showed the beach under it as the sun set with gentle hues of orange, pinks, and purples. It was so gorgeous that you couldn't bring yourself to look away. It wasn't until you heard something growl from behind you is when you looked. You gasped in shock when you turned around and saw something you thought didn't even exist. There was a dragon with beat up wings and scars all over it with black scales and huge sharp teeth, pointing out of its mouth. The dragon stared down at you with a glare. You couldn't stop the smile from appearing on your face. You know you should be scared and running away, but you felt excited and happy to see the creature before you. 

You held your hand out with a gentle smile. The dragon looked at you shocked. Usually the people that come into his territory are so frightened to see him that he has to eat them before they scream too loudly. Why didn't you try to run away from him or scream for help? He leaned his head down to you and you gently touched his nose as a bright smile spread across your face. He couldn't help but smile softly at this. He pulled away from your touch and laid down on the ground as you went and sat beside him and began to pet him. "I've always wanted to see a dragon, I thought they didn't exist." You said softly as you admired his shiny black scales. He huffed and watched you carefully. 

You stretched and leaned against him and closed your eyes as you enjoyed the moment. He rested his head beside you and before you knew it you had fallen asleep. When you woke up it was the next morning and you were in your home in bed. You groaned and turned over on your side, but when you did you felt an arm wrap around your waist and a body pull you close to them. Your eyes widened and you stiffened. They must have noticed as they woke up and let you go. You quickly turned around to see who it was and saw a guy with black hair and red eyes with scars all over him. He looked kind of like the dragon from earlier. 

"Who are you?" You asked him as you moved away from him. He chuckled and pulled you back to him. "I'm the dragon from last night, remember?" He said softly. You shook your head and looked at him with wide eyes. "That can't be possible, how can you be the dragon from earlier, you're human!" You said as you motioned to him with your arms. He burst out into laughter as he held his stomach and wiped away some tears. "I can shapeshift, I can shift into a human or dragon." He said as he let out a few more chuckles. You glared at him and crossed your arms. "Well, how did you get in my house?" You asked him with a frown. "I have a spare key to this house, it is in my territory anyways." He said as he leaned closer to you.

You nodded and asked him a few more questions and he answered them. You made him breakfast and he ate it happily and after he left and went back to his own home. After that incident you two had gotten close and see each other whenever you could. He would come for dinner and you would go to the cliff to relax there with him. You had gotten a job at a book store. You liked the job, you have always loved books and now you could read them all day while working. 

Right now you had just gotten home after a long day of work. You had met a guy a few weeks ago and you two had decided to go on a date today after talking for a while. You had bought a nice dress and heels to wear to the date and decided to put them on. Once you were dressed you went and admired yourself in the mirror before doing you makeup and hearing a knock on the door halfway through doing your makeup. You hesitantly went and opened the door to only see the dragon whos name you have found out was Kai. He looked at you and blushed when he saw how you were dressed. "Are you going somewhere?" He asked you as he walked inside. "Yeah, I'm going on a date." You said with a bright smile.

He stopped in his tracks and looked at you with wide eyes. He was beyond pissed now. Ever since that day you two had met, he had been in love with you and wishes for you to be his mate. He has been trying to get you to fall in love with him so he could ask you, and he thought you finally had, but now you're going on a date with some mysterious man! He felt so heartbroken and upset. He bared his teeth and grabbed your shoulder. "You aren't going on this date." He growled at you. You looked at him in shock before pulling away from his grip. "You can't tell me what to do." You said as you walked to the door when you heard the door bell ring.

Before you could open it though, he grabbed you and bit into your neck, marking you as his. You were about to scream out in pain before he held onto your mouth and growled. "You're all mine, you understand?" He growled. You slowly nodded and he smirked before opening the door and seeing a guy looking at him in shock. Before the guy could do anything he slashed his neck opened and grabbed you before flying off. Ever since that day you became his lover and was forced to do whatever he said. Oh how you wished you never moved here...

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