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Nobody suspected that Mary was the cause of the sudden fear that swept through her town

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Nobody suspected that Mary was the cause of the sudden fear that swept through her town. Nobody knew it, not even her. Sometimes she would be walking down the street and see a man staring at her. So she would stare back. And then the man would stop moving. He would freeze.

Like stone.

Putting factors like this aside, Mary lived a perfect life. Her mother cared deeply for Mary, and Mary cared deeply for her mother. The two of them were inseparable, and due to Adoras wealth, she didn't have to go to work, so she homeschooled Mary.

She had the perfect life, and she prayed every night for it to stay that way.

She was six years old when he came.

It was late at night, Mary had been awoken from her peaceful sleep by a large bang coming from downstairs. Frightened, Mary slowly stood up and walked to her door, slowly peeking through it. The sound of a gunshot rang from downstairs, followed by a scream.

Her mother's scream.

She was petrified. She hurriedly rushed into her closet, following her mother's instructions on if this ever were to happen. She covered her own mouth to stop the sounds of her sobs from reaching her intruders ears. From then she heard multiple other noises. Something broke, someone whispered something and another thing broke, and the sound of...she didn't know.

If Mary were to guess she'd say it sounded like what time travel would sound like.

After some time, she heard footsteps nearing her hiding spots. She was terrified, she had no idea what to do, so she just continued to hopelessly stare at the closet doors as the footsteps got closer. There were many footsteps, she could guess at least 6. All of a sudden the doors flew open, revealing a tall blonde boy that seemed about the same age as Mary. In his hand was an eye mask.

"Are you o-" before the boy could finish, he froze. He just stopped moving. Mary's eyes were wide open, fear spilling into her heart as she felt her hair separate into many different strands. Her hair started to move on it's own, and she heard countless hissing noises being omitted from those strands.

Her hair had turned into snakes. She stared horrified back at the beady red eyes that leered at her from the scaly white slithery animals that were somehow stuck to her head. She tried to escape the snakes, shaking her head wildly and trying to hit them away, but they didn't come off.

"Marvelous." An older man's voice came from behind the now frozen boy. Mary shoved herself further into the corner of the closet, the hisses of the snakes on her head getting louder. Arms wrapped around the boy that blocked her view and moved him over, revealing an old man with a monocle and plenty of facial hair. He reached out to Mary, who shrunk back. He gave her a warm smile, "don't worry, dear. I won't hurt you. We're here to help." Mary raised her eyebrows at the "we", and tilted her head to gaze past the old man. Behind him were about 6 kids, each of them wearing black eye masks with white in the eye holes, and what seemed like school uniforms, the same ones the blonde boy was wearing. At this, her whole body calmed down, and the hisses from her hair stopped as the snakes went away.

She reached out and gently grabbed the man's hand, letting him pull her up. The kids behind him started to whisper to each other, one of them just kind of...staring at her.

  "I...I'm sorry..." Mary apologized for no real reason.

"That's quite alright." The man soothed. "I am Sir Reginald Hargreeves. You among 43 children are special. Special in a way the human mind tends to be unable to grasp. The children you see behind me are among these as well. If you come with me, you can prove your worth to the world. Will you accept?" He held out his hand again. But for a hand shake, not for support.

She had been provided with too much information too fast. But what she understood is that if she followed this man and all of his "children"...she wouldn't be alone. She would understand what was wrong with her. She shakily reached out and shook the man's hand. The kids behind him whispered to each other more, excited this time. Mary turned towards her "victim", walking to him and gently tapping his shoulder. He didn't move.

She frowned, "I-is he...okay?" She gently pushed him and he suddenly snapped "back to life", gasping a little. Mary jumped back in shock, as the boy quickly rushed from her to the group of kids, a dark skinned girl with curly hair comforting him.

Sir Hargreeves lead her outside to a limousine with the same logo that all the kids had on their uniforms on it. Sir Hargreeves sat in the front, all the kids getting into the back. Mary was quite uncomfortable, seeming as if she'd have to sit in the back of the car with another kid that she didn't know at all. She was worried these kids were scared of her, or they hated her.

She walked to the back of the car with her head down, her hands gripping the bottom of her dress. She sat down without looking at who she was placed next to, but she felt their eyes on her. They were wearing shorts, so she guessed it was one of the boys.

"Hello." The boy whispered softly. She looked up. He had taken off his mask, and in its place were two green eyes. The fact that his eyes were visible immediately released some of her stress. To add to her relief, there was a big smile on his face. He looked unbelievably friendly. She couldn't help but smile back at him.

"Hello." She whispered back. The boy awkwardly rustled for something in the pocket of his blazer, and pulled out a tiny stuffed white rabbit, pushing it towards her.

     "Here. Dad told us we were going to get you, so I thought you'd like something!" He smiled again. Mary could've cried. In fact, her eyes filled with tears, and she had to turn her head away to wipe them away. Concerned, the boy frowned and hid the rabbit, "do you not like bunnies?" Mary hurriedly turned back to him to not worry him further.

    "N-no, it's perfect. Thank you..." She said, taking the white rabbit and hugging it to her chest.

"What's your name?" The boy seemed overjoyed that she spoke to him, and that made her heart happy.

"I'm Mary. Who are you?" She leaned towards the boy so he can hear her better, and he didn't lean away.

"You can call me five."

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