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"In five, four, three, two-

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"In five, four, three, two-

This is Jim Hellerman, reporting for Channel 2 News live. I am outside the Capital West Bank at Main and Sixth. A group of men who are believed to be heavily armed stormed the bank about three hours ago and took an unknown number of hostages."

"Get them back behind the counter!" A largely built man barked into a telephone, storming through the bank with a gun in his hand. All of the hostages in the bank were pushed to one side, and two girls walked daintily up to the man as he barked into his phone. He turned to them, glaring.

"Get back with the others!" He ordered. The girl with the dark curly hair leaned forward.

"I heard a rumor~!" She hummed.

"What?" The man asked.

"I heard a rumor that you shot your friend in the foot." The girl whispered, and the man pulled back, aiming his gun at his coworkers foot. The smaller, paler, whitish blonde haired girl slid over to the other man and lifted up her mask, making eye contact with him and freezing him on the spot, soft hisses coming from her hair. The second he stopped moving a gun shot rang through the bank and the hostages screamed as the man shot him, just as the other girl had instructed. The pale girl slipped her mask back on, her hair still wiggling and hissing.

Suddenly the window at the top of the bank broke, and a boy fell in, directly on top of another one of the thieves, bashing his head into the table multiple times, and launching him through the top window of the bank with inhuman strength.

"Guns are for sissies." A tan boy came running in from the other exit, pausing as he pulled two knives out of his uniform pocket, "real men throw knives!" He spun the knives, making them turn at the last second and hit one of the thieves, knocking him out.

The last thief standing in the main room of the bank had climbed up on the counter, pointing a gun at all the kids that now surrounded him.

"Get back, you freaks!" He spat.

"Be careful up there, buddy~" the knife-wielding one cooed.

"We don't want you getting hurt~!" The dark haired girl joined in.

"Get back!!" The man threatened. At the blink of an eye, a boy suddenly appeared behind the man, squatting on the counter with the most mischievous smirk on his face.

"Or what?" The boy teased. The appearance of this boy brought a special smile onto the blonde girl's face. The man spun around and shot at the now empty space that the boy was in, as he had now popped up on the other side of the man, whose gun had become a stapler. The boy, with his arms across his chest, smirked at the man for a second time, nodding in mock approval, "That's one badass stapler!" He grabbed the man's hand and pushed it hard, making the man staple himself in the forehead.

"You're late, five!" The pale haired girl jeered. The boy shrugged.

"Just made my entrance more dramatic, Mary my dear~!" he said, making the girl he called "Mary" laugh softly and sweetly.

The kids all stood in front of the vault in the bank, where most of the thieves actually stood. A timid boy with slouched shoulders and a nervous expression on his face studied his siblings, "do we really have to do this.." he asked anxiously. Mary walked to him, placing her hand on his shoulder comfortingly, as the two of them had always been close due to their slight similarities in ability.

"You're going to do great, Ben, you always do!" She encouraged. The boy sighed and offered her a small smile, walking into the room. In no more than a minute the silhouette of large tentacles was seen through the vault door, blood splattering all over the windows and screams emitting from the inside. The kids calmly watched, Mary and the boy she called "Five" exchanging looks that seemed like a silent conversation to the others. The two of them were good at talking without speaking.

Ben exited the room covered in blood and shaking, "can we go home now.." he asked hopelessly. His blonde friend put an arm around him and ushered him out, the rest of the kids following. They all walked outside, the policemen surrounding the building holding their fire, and the news reporters starting to swarm them. The kids stood in a distinct order, one only they and their father knew. The kids all smiled charmingly and waved to the cameras, bowing and doing all sorts of childish acts.

The man identified as Sir Reginald Hargreeves walked in front of the group of children. He had started to speak as the cameras clicked, "Our world is changing. Our world has changed. There are some among us gifted with abilities beyond the ordinary. I have adopted seven children who are abled with these extraordinary abilities."

"I give you the inaugural class of the Umbrella Academy."

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