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Mary stared at her feet as she walked side-by-side with Klaus, pathetically glooming over her past. Klaus let out a big sigh.

"Jeez, why do you always look like that?" Mary looked up to give Klaus an extremely unamused look.

"Like what."

"Like nothing excites you ever." Klaus threw his arms up in the sky to emphasize his point, and Mary turned back to the sidewalk ahead of her.

"Maybe it's because nothing does." Klaus scoffed.

"Oh, come on, doesn't anything...Yknow...rustle your jimmies a bit?" Mary slowly turned to him with the most monotonous yet confused look possible on her face.

"Excuse me?" Klaus rushed forward, stopping Mary from moving any further. She looked up at him, clearly displeased.

"That's it. We're getting you some excitement stat." Klaus grabbed her shoulders, and looked around, his eyes landing on a small convenient store, "bingo." He grabbed her hand and started to pull her towards it.

"Where are you taking me?" Mary became uncomfortable.

"We're gonna shop lift, sista~!"

"What? No, no, we can't do that." Mary said dismissively.

"Alright, Mary listen. I love you, but you are such a wet blanket!" Klaus hissed. He pointed to the convenient store, "I'll tell you what we're gonna do. We're going in there, you're going to use your freaky powers, and we're gonna leave that store with a whole lot of booze and weed!" Klaus cheered.

"You're a horrible person." Klaus heard Ben say, but Mary heard nothing. She silently thought to herself.

"Oh, what the hell." She started to walk to the store, and Klaus cheered behind her, jogging to walk at her side.

She entered the convenient store, making sure nobody else was there other than the clerk behind the counter that gave them a weird stare. She spun around to stare back, freezing the poor man in his tracks. She walked over and quickly put a hat over his eyes.

"He shouldn't be able to see, so hopefully we won't get in trouble for this-" She has begun explaining, yet Klaus was already stuffing his pants with alcohol. Mary shook her head and started to look around for what to get. She grabbed a couple of candy bars for Vanya, and some iced tea for herself. She smiled when she saw some instant coffee, and grabbed some, knowing Five would probably cry of joy once she gave it to him.

She frowned. She wasn't really having fun, and she knew that's what Klaus had intended. She bit her nail as she started to brainstorm how to make this more exciting. She just started to grab whatever she could, throwing it all into her dress pockets. She smiled a little, feeling giddy as she poured the contents of half of a shelf into her pocket.

"Uh, Mary?" Klaus called out, "he's moving!" Mary picked her head up from the 'college crisis' section of the store, and ran to the door, pulling Klaus with him as the clerk woke up and began to yell and chase them. Mary felt the adrenaline in her body as she ran, her hair blowing behind her and numerous items falling from her pockets. She didn't even realize, yet she began to laugh. Klaus had begun chucking some of his beer bottles at the store clerk, which made Mary laugh even harder.

Her and Klaus finally lost the clerk, sitting in an alley, completely out of breath. Mary had a smile on her face, soft giggles escaping her mouth between pants. Klaus was laughing incredibly hard, taking breaks to chug bottles of beer.

"See? That was fun, right?" He asked her. She nodded, smiling.

"That really was. Thanks."

"Any time as long as the sun is up, my dear, I will keep your life interesting!" Klaus pat her on the back, and she giggled.

"Now, little-big sis, let's get back to the mansion, because I feel an absolutely wicked hangover coming on." Klaus flung his arm around her and she stumbled a bit.

"Alright, pace yourself." She joked, grabbing on to his arm as she practically carried him back
to the mansion.
((Sorry for the shorter chapter, everyone! I decided to focus a bit more on Mary's development 💞💞))

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