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Thunder rumbled as seven of the remaining Hargreeves' children stood together in the courtyard along with their "mother" Grace and uncle-of-sorts Pogo

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Thunder rumbled as seven of the remaining Hargreeves' children stood together in the courtyard along with their "mother" Grace and uncle-of-sorts Pogo. Most of them were holding umbrellas excluding Luther and Diego, and Klaus was a special case, holding a transparent tiny umbrella with pink around the edges that made Mary smile when he showed it to her. Mary stood next to Five in between him and Klaus, the two of them side-glancing each other every couple of seconds, putting the definition of awkward to shame.

Grace looked around at the somewhat solemn faces around her and smiled a bit blankly.

"Did something happen?" She asked innocently, everyone turning to look at her, Mary frowning. Alison smiled sympathetically.

"Dad died. Remember?" Grace's smile slowly disappeared.

"Oh, yes, of course..." she trailed off. Alison looked at Diego, concerned.

"Is mom okay?"

"Yeah...she's fine." Diego said dismissively, "she just needs to...recharge."

Pogo turned to Luther who held Reginald Hargreeves ashes, "Whenever you're ready, dear boy." He said kindly, and Luther nodded, swallowing softly and opening up the vase that held the ashes, tilting it and letting all the ashes fall into a pathetic pile on the ground. Mary sighed, closing her eyes and turning away as Klaus winced.

"It...would have been better if there were some wind.." Luther said apologetically. Awkward looks passed around the circle, completely missing Grace until Pogo spoke up.

"Does anyone wish to speak?" Again, everyone passed around looks, Five's eyes lingering on Mary longer than they had on the others. Pogo sighed, "All right then. In every regard, Sir Reginald Hargreeves is the reason I am who I am today. And I shall forever be in his debt for that alone. He was my master, but also my friend. I shall miss him very much." Pogo paused, and the sound of rain hitting the ground and thunder in the sky filled the silence. "He has left a very complicated legacy behind-" Pogo began, getting cut off by Diego.

"He was a monster." Klaus chuckled. "He was a bad person and a worse father." Diego continued, "The world is better off without him."

"Diego" Alison warned.

"My name is Number Two. Do you want to know why? Because dad couldn't bother to give us actual names. Mom had to do it." Mary looked down. Unlike the others, she was fortunate enough to have an actual birth name given by her mother. She had and always will be Mary: Number 0 and not the other way around.

"Would anyone like something to eat?" Grace asked cluelessly.

"No, it's okay, mom." Vanya close to whispered. Grace stopped smiling.

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