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Mary had never run faster than she did at that moment, chasing Five out of the mansion in a desperate attempt to stop him from, quite frankly, time travel

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Mary had never run faster than she did at that moment, chasing Five out of the mansion in a desperate attempt to stop him from, quite frankly, time travel. She didn't know really why she had such a need to stop him, she just let her gut tell her where to go.

"Five, please, wait!" She reaches her arm out to him, feeling the soft fabric of his blazer between her fingers before it was replaced by a burst of cold air when Five disappeared. She looked down at her hands with wide eyes, seeing them being surrounded by some type of blue energy, sparks shooting from her fingers. She began to panic, falling back.

But she didn't even know panic.

She suddenly convulsed, coughing up thick blood onto the sidewalk below her. Many people who were passing by tried to help her, but ended up backing away as nobody knew what was happening to her. She felt as if she were on fire, and as she stared down at her hands she watched them grow, her arms growing with them. Her face felt like it was being stretched out. She began to scream, horrified.

It felt as if she were getting older by the minute.

"Everyone back!" Before she understood, Reginald Hargreeves had picked her up, ordering the rest of the Academy to go to their rooms. Mary, in a daze, stared at her legs and chest, both of them suddenly too big for the uniform she always wore. She had a raging headache, all of her limbs extremely sore.

She was dying.

Hargreeves rushed her into the house, taking her into a room she had never seen before. In her daze, she turned around and took in the rooms appearance, everything looking blurry. She was placed down on a cold metal table, a large light shining into her already hurting eyes. Her snakes began to spin out of control, scaring her half to death. She saw a very blurred out Grace by her side, wearing what seemed like a plastic cover over her dress. In that cover, she saw herself.

She let out a pathetic whine. She looked middle aged. She was sure this wasn't possible, as her body continued to burn on the inside. Through all of this, she suddenly thought of Five. She wondered where he went, and she hoped he was okay.

"He seemed to have made it into the future just fine." She heard Hargreeves say as she passed out, "Get me the serum."

Mary shoved the last of her packaged food into her small bag, sniffling back a tear. She sat for a minute, taking in the appearance of her room for the last time. She picked her soft white stuffed bunny from her bed, gently placing it into her bag. She stood shakily, checking the clock.

3 am

She sighed, quietly whispering a farewell under her breath. She walked across the hall to Five's room as quietly as she could, tip toeing around the peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich her and Vanya had placed out earlier, trying not to let the love for her family ruin her plan. She opened his closet, taking out one of the many blazers he kept. She would usually be matching this blazer, yet instead she wore the dress she had from her mother. She didn't want to keep anything to remind her of the academy, that would be too much.

She sat down on his bed, looking around and letting all of her memories flow in her mind. She remembered all the uncontrollable laughter that her and Five would bust into whenever they made fun of Diego or Luther, and that one time they had walked in on Luther and Alison kissing, only for them to rush back to Five's room and start laughing all over again.

Mary smiled down at the blazer she now held in her lap, hugging it to her chest for a couple of seconds and taking a couple of deep breaths.

She had to do this.

She put the blazer down on Five's bed, she thought bitterly that he wouldn't mind, seeming as he'd been missing for a year now. She left the house as quietly as she could, turning around to take a look at the big place. Thunder rumbled ahead, and it had started to drizzle. Of course, Mary thought. But there was no turning back. She started to jog away from the house, not taking a second look back.

She didn't know just how much she needed Five. She had spent the whole previous year being timid and quiet, only speaking to Ben or Vanya. There were many cases where she'd sit and listen as Vanya played the violin for her, or she sat and listened as Ben told her a story. Even her snakes had become shy, only appearing when she took showers.

Even with all this in mind, she could only think of the good things about the Academy as she rushed down the sidewalk, rain starting to pour. She remembered Grace, and how she would always come and comfort her whenever she felt lonely. She thought of Pogo, who never had a bad thing to say about her. She remembered Diego, who was always good with math when she needed it. She remembered Luther, who, though very stubborn and uptight, loved to hang out with Mary and talk to her about Alison.

Thinking of him lead her to think of Alison, who always loved to brush her hair and talk with her about boys. Klaus was a bit of a joker, and a very bad influence, so Mary would always go to him when she felt like being a bit rebellious. Vanya was such a lovely girl. Mary's heart started to hurt when she started to think of her, and she began to pick up the pace. Ben was the best friend she could ever ask for. The two of them went to each other for everything and anything. He taught Mary to cook. Her snakes loved him.

Mary began to cry as she ran. Now that her attention was pushed onto the Academy, she wasn't even paying attention to where she was running. Her foot caught on a crack in the sidewalk and she fell to the ground, scraping her knee. The rain started to fall harder. That was all she needed to be pushed over the edge.

Shoving her head into her hands, she began to sob. She didn't know where she was going or what she was doing. Now she was just a lost, lonely, scared little girl. She cried into her hands, memories of her family flooding into her head.

And then Five was there. Filling her head with the most joyful memories that had turned completely sour. Him teaching her how to make his favorite sandwiches, him showing her around the house when she first arrived, and mostly them sitting on his bed, studying time travel and talking. He made her feel more normal than she could ever dream.

Her head hurt, her sobs reaching her ears along with the loud rain. People simply walked around her as if she didn't exist, but she understood. Everyone had their own things to deal with, some crying child would just be a nuisance.

She had just understood what she gave up.

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