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Mary went to bed that night fulfilled, to say the least. Vanya had practically glowed when she had been given the candy bars from the store, and she left the container of instant coffee in fives room, leaving a note.

How's this for decent, grandpa?
- Mary dearest.

She felt as if she had no other responsibilities other than keeping her family safe, and she intended to do just that. She put on her pajamas, brushed her teeth, washed her face, and went to bed with a positive attitude, which she hadn't done in about 17 years.

"Hey." Mary was shaken awake by Alison, who looked quite urgent, clearly telling Mary something was bothering her. Mary rubbed her eyes, meeting Alison's gaze.

"What is it?" She asked, getting out of her bed. Alison silently led her to a room full of recording supplies. She shivered, remembering finding this room when she was young, and thinking she was being filmed for a movie.

"I found something last night." Luther was sitting in front of all the screens, and Mary walked over, sending him a greeting nod.

"What did you see?" Alison played the tape, and Mary's mouth fell open. The video showed Reginald Hargreeves sitting in bed. Grace comes in with a cup of tea and gives to him. Almost immediately, he convulses, and then, as Mary guesses, dies. She covered her mouth with her hand, shaking her head, "there's no way."

"Luther and I watched this tape a million times, it's real." Alison said. Luther sighed.

"So dad started to use the cameras again. He was getting so paranoid, I told you he acted like someone was out to get him. Well..maybe someone was." Mary huffed.

"Mom wouldn't do this unless given orders, come on. She may have gotten a personality, but I don't think she would kill dad! In fact I know she wouldn't." She argued.

"Well this tape says the exact opposite!" Luther shot back.

"Maybe she was ordered! You know, by someone who hates dad..?" Alison suggested, Mary nodding along.

"I think we should go talk to her." Mary said, Luther and Alison agreeing. The three of them made their way downstairs to mom, who already had three glasses of orange juice out for them.

"There you are! Eggs will be ready in a minute. Over easy for Luther and Alison, and scrambled for little miss Mary! Just how you like them." She ushered the three into chairs, looks of discomfort passing between them as she cooked the eggs. Luther, usually the one to take action first, spoke up.

"Hey, mom? We need to ask you some questions about the night dad died. Is there anything you remember?" Grace turned around, blinking slowly before answering.

"Of course. Sunset, 7:33 pm. Moon was waxing crescent, dinner was Cornish hen, wild rice, and carrots-"

"No, no..later that night. In his room. Did you go and see him?" Luther asked. Mom stared for a second before chuckling.

"I don't recall." She responded. Mary shared a worried look with Alison. Luther tapped her on the shoulder and motioned for her to talk to mom, to which she shook her head. Alison nudged her and she sighed.

"Mom, were you ever angry with dad?" Mary said, hoping to maybe get an alibi for this stupid game of detective.

"Your father was a good man" Grace said, turning to face them with another blank smile on her face, "a kind man. He was very good to me."

"It must've been difficult after we all left though, right?" Alison piped up.

"There were days. You kids kept me so busy, and then...." Grace stopped talking, her smile disappearing.

"What is it?" Mary asked, getting a bit more concerned.

"Mom? What were you about to say?" Alison asked.

"Eggs are ready!" Grace exclaimed, "breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Now, eat up." She placed the three plates down in front of the people at the table, each of their eggs and bacon designed into a smiley face. Mary sighed deeply.

Later in the day, Alison, Luther, and Mary sat around in the main room of the manor, talking over what they thought.

"I don't like this either, but you have to agree it sounds like she was hiding something." Luther said. Alison shook her head.

"Hiding something? She just sounded confused." Luther shook his head.

"Come on, Grace knew what she was doing." The two girls on the couch immediately looked baffled, turning to each other before turning back to Luther.

"'Grace"?" Mary raised an eyebrow.

"Since when do you call her "Grace"?" Alison added on.

"She's a machine, you two." Luther said. Mary scoffed.

"Yeah, a machine that put us to bed and read to us! Luther, this is crazy!" Alison exclaimed, "we all left her here alone. For 13 years." Mary nodded.

"She's right, it makes sense she got a little...loopy. She was away from all of her kids." Mary explained, Alison agreeing with a nod.

"What happened with Claire?" Luther suddenly asked. Mary widened her eyes. She remembered seeing that Alison had a baby in a newspaper, and she just now realized she hadn't seen the baby since they met up.

"I don't want to talk about it." Alison said. Mary respectfully decided she should leave, and stood up.

"I forgot I had something to do. You two can catch up." Alison bid her farewell, and Luther waved. Mary went upstairs and spent a few hours in her room, enjoying the company of her snakes.

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