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Bright people, clothes, and stores filled Five's vision, and he looked around

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Bright people, clothes, and stores filled Five's vision, and he looked around. He hadn't been able to know what time period he was in, he just knew it was later. He was ecstatic, yet all that showed on his face was a smug smirk.

"Not ready my ass." He muttered to himself, starting to pick up his walking pace yet again to propel himself further in time. He grunted, pushing himself forward and being met with extreme cold. It was winter, snow falling from the sky as he spun his head around to take in the view, his smile only growing. He started to run faster, pushing himself even further.

Too far.

He froze.

The smell of smoke and debris filled his nose as he looked around. Ruined buildings surrounded him every which way, large fires showing him what had caused the destruction. Smoke filled the air, fragments of ash falling from the sky. He was walking on rubble, he couldn't even see the street. He started to walk back, panic rising in him.

He had to find the Academy.

He started to sprint again, trying to ignore the piles of ripped up buildings that surrounded him, and tumbling to the side to avoid the bonfires that were around every corner. None of the buildings had roofs. None of the buildings had doors. Or windows. Or anything. There was just smoke, fire, and ruins.

He slowed once he reached the academy. The only thing that told him it was what he had thought was the front porch, and the metal gates with the umbrellas on them. He started to truly panic, unsure of where to go from there and what to do.

"Mary!!" He called out hopelessly, "Ben! Dad!! Anyone!!!" After a few moments of silence he began to try and time jump, but it proved hopeless. He didn't have the power. He tried over and over, hot tears streaming down his face. He let his arms fall to his sides, crumpling to a heaping pathetic mess in front of his burned down home. What was he to do? Was he the only one still there?

Only one way to find out, he decided.

Shakily standing to his feet, Five looked around for any clue that a human being was anywhere, fixing his eyes on an arm that was sticking out of a rubble pile. He made his way over to it, his hands shaking uncontrollably. He kneeled down, seeing a prosthetic eye lodged in the grips of the hand's fingers. He shakily wiped the blood off of the eye and put it in his pocket, looking up. That's when he saw the other people. Walking over to where he saw them, he realized in horror that they all looked a lot like his siblings.

His siblings were dead.

His breath caught in his throat as he stumbled over the rubble to try and reach his family. They were all unmoving. He saw bright color in the corner of his eye. Turning, he saw a picture. One that made a lump rise in his throat and tears fill his eyes.

 One that made a lump rise in his throat and tears fill his eyes

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He knew who was holding that picture. Frantically, he threw back all of the bricks and rocks he could, trying to get to her.

She was covered in dirt, her usually pure white and stunning hair had been dirtied into a brown. Her dress was ripped and covered in stains.

And her face. Her eyes were wide open, but they were so different. The red had dulled so much. Five began to cry, shaking the body of his best friend.

"No, no. Oh god." He shook her harder. "Shit, shit, come on, Mary.." his voice cracked, and he started to grip onto her dress, his tears falling onto the body below him. "This isn't funny, Mary, wake up. I've learned my lesson, okay? Just please." His sobs cut off his words as he buried his face in her dress.

"Please don't leave me alone like this.." he whimpered.

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