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     The word "serenity" couldn't even begin to describe Mary's present state. With her legs out in front of her and a book on her lap, Mary had the softest smile on her face, her snakes happily hissing and curling around her face, poking her lightly. She kept thoughts of Grace out of her mind, not letting herself be saddened by her own brain.

Unfortunately, she couldn't silence her feelings forever, and her mind began to wander back to simpler times.

Mary sat in her room on her bed, with her knees pulled up to her chest. She had just finished another training session, her mind and body both tired and terrified of herself. Tears streamed down her face and she sobbed into her knees. Five had started his training directly after hers, so, for her, there was no chance of happiness at that moment.

Her door swung open, and Mary realized it was Grace. She turned away, wiping her eyes.

"My dear, are you alright?" Grace asked, walking over and sitting next to Mary on her bed, patting her back. Mary tried to wipe her tears, but more kept coming. Grace frowned. "Look honey, I know training can be hard, but you need to keep your chin up! And I'm here to help you do that." Grace stood, taking Mary's hands. "What do you say I teach you how to make my world famous lemon cookies?" Grace suggested, making Mary's eyes practically glow.

"I..I'd enjoy that very much." She said quietly. The two of them made their way downstairs and baked the cookies, Mary completely forgetting about her previous troubles.

"See? Now you can make them whenever y-"

Mary's pleasant memory was interrupted by the sounds of gunfire. She jumped to her feet, her book dropping to the floor as her snakes went into hiding. She rushed from the library, booking it down the stairs to see two people in masks: one female with a dog mask and one male with what looked like a cartoonish bear mask. They were shooting at Diego, and then they turned to her.

"Shit!" She exclaimed, rushing past them as fast as she could and grabbing Diego, who threw two knives at them. The two siblings ducked into a bedroom, taking a minute to catch their breaths. "What the hell was that?!" Mary questioned.

"The hell should I know?" Diego fired back. "Do the thing. With your eyes and the snakes." Mary rolled her eyes.

"That's impossible, they're wearing masks." Diego huffed.

"Lame." He rushed out of the room as the man passed, grabbing him and punching him in the face. As the two wrestled, Mary stuck out her arm, a snake appearing and wrapping itself around the woman's legs, making her yell out a "What the hell?" As she began to shoot at it, Mary taking the opportunity to kick her in the stomach, successfully getting her to the ground. The man broke free from Diego and began to shoot again, making them both run down the hallway. Diego launched himself off the upstairs railing, landing on the couch below. Mary then did the same, instead gracefully landing on her feet.

They both took cover behind a table, looking up to see the number of gun holes that were in Reginald Hargreeves' portrait, earning a chuckle from Diego and an amused smile from Mary. They both fell silent when they heard the two people enter the room.

"I'll distract them. You attack." Mary whispered, Diego nodding. She hopped out from their hiding place, her snakes appearing on her head and shocking both of the intruders, who hesitated before shooting, giving Diego time to throw more knives at them, one of them hitting the man's shoulder. The intruders began to shoot again, Diego grabbing Mary and pushing her down again behind the table, protecting her with himself while also covering his head. The fire stopped suddenly, and when Mary looked up, she saw Luther and Alison had jumped in, both of them kicking ass in an impressive way. Mary smiled and hopped to her feet, rushing to assist Alison, who was now being choked by the man.

"Let her go, Smokey." She growled, sending a snake to wrap around his neck, making him drop Alison. Mary jumped up and kicked him square in the back, knocking him over. Luther then grabbed him, throwing him into the main hall.

"Who the hell are these guys?" Alison breathlessly asked.

"You tell me." A bullet whizzed past Mary, barely hitting her ear. She jumped and ducked for cover, Luther and Alison running to another part of the house while Diego stayed down. Mary his behind the couch as one of the intruders walked into the living room, grabbing a ball and chain from Reginald's old cupboard. Asshole, that doesn't belong to you. She seethed to herself.

"Hello?" Shit. "Is everyone okay?" Vanya's voice rang out from the other room, and Mary prepared herself to rush over and get her away from any trouble. Vanya called out again, walking into the same room as Mary and the other intruder, who had backed himself against the wall. Mary only realized why when he swung his weapon at Vanya, missing at first he then hitting her from the left side.

"Vanya!" Mary exclaimed, jumping to her feet and rushing to her sister, sending as many snakes as she could after the man to distract him, helping Vanya up and rushing her to her room. "Are you okay?" She asked, hastily cleaning up the wound on her head.

"I'm fine, yeah. Are you okay?"

"I've been better." She heard the loud sound of what she was guessing was Luther hitting the ground downstairs.

"You should go back and help." Vanya suggested. Mary nodded with a soft smile, and kissed vanya's forehead softly before returning back to the fight. She grabbed a pool stick on her way down, and stood at the top of the steps, staring down at Luther struggling to beat the bear-masked man.

"Hey, asshole!" Mary called, the man turning to her. She launched herself off the steps and, with a scream of rage for flair, brought down the stick on the man's head, knocking him hard onto the floor.

"Nice" Luther complimented, "But-"

"Yeah, I know, you had him" Mary said mockingly, making Luther sigh. Mary walked over to the man and stepped on his nose, making him groan in pain.

"We just...we just want the boy." He managed to gargle out.

"Don't we all, sweetheart." Mary lifted her foot only to slam it down again, hearing the crunch of his nose breaking under her shiny black flats. She smirked, but it was short lived as the man slipped out from under her and ended up behind her, landing a kick to her back and sending her flying into the staircase, making her let out a groan of pain. Luther began to fight him again, landing a few punches and kicks. His attention wandered as Luther went to check on Mary, ending up in him getting grabbed and then thrown to the ground by the man, knocking him out. Mary hid behind the staircase, and the man walked off.

She came out from her hiding place and rushed to Luther, struggling hard to pick him up, when Diego and Alison arrived to give her a hand.

"You gotta lay off the fast food, big guy." Diego grumbled. The four siblings then looked up to see the woman intruder standing upstairs. She yanked a knife out of her leg and shoved it into the wall, at the same point where the rope that held up the chandelier was held. Mary looked up, realizing the chandelier was right on top of them.

"Look out!" Luther shoved Mary, Alison, and Diego our of the way, all of them falling to the ground as the chandelier crashed down on him.

"Luther!" Alison yelled, getting to her feet quickly. Everyone stared in awe as Luther slowly stood up, his strength pushing the chandelier off of him. But that wasn't all. Marys mouth fell open as he stood. The impact of the chandelier had ripped up a majority of Luther's clothes, and what was under them shocked everyone who saw. Luther was huge. He looked like a gigantic gorilla, all hairy and...big.

"Holy shit." Diego breathed. Mary hadn't even realized that Vanya had come back until she was standing right next to her. Luther looked around at all of his siblings shocked faces and ran upstairs, nobody having the ability to even call after him.

"....I need some whiskey." Mary grumbled.

((Hello, all! Sorry these updates are so slow and all, but I just wanted to thank all of you for continuously supporting me and this story, I really appreciate it!))

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