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The ringing of a bell alerted the Hargreeves children that it was time for dinner

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The ringing of a bell alerted the Hargreeves children that it was time for dinner. Each of them rushed to their decided seats at the table, standing behind them. Vanya stood across from Ben, who stood next to Mary, who stood across from Five, who stood next to Diego, who stood across from Klaus, who stood next to Allison who stood across from Luther.

Five and Mary had used to make funny faces to one another in order to entertain each other, yet today Five was much more on edge, and quite focused on something important, so that didn't happen. Mary had been informed as to what he was focused on a few minutes before, and she was immensely worried that something dumb would happen that night.

"Mary, I'm telling you, it's not fair!" Five stomped around his room as Mary sat cross-legged on his bed, watching him.

"I know, Five. But you need to calm down! Maybe if you practice a bit longer-"

"I don't need to practice! I've perfected my jumps! I've been practicing for months!" Five complained. Mary shook her head.

"That doesn't mean you're ready to time travel!"

"Yes it does!! You can't argue with me, you don't know anything about this!"

"That's not true!" Mary defended herself, completely offended by Five's remark. The two of them always studied time travel together, how could she possibly know less than him??

"Mary, I'm ready. I know I am!" Five insisted, grabbing both of her hands. She looked up at him, worried. "I'll prove it to you. I'll prove it to dad, too! Maybe I can take you with me someday." He said. Mary smiled faintly, but only got more worried. She was about to ask what he was planning when a bell rang, signaling dinner. The two of them rushed downstairs.

"Sit." Hargreeves instructed as if the Umbrella Academy (and Vanya) were just a couple of dogs he could push around. And, quite frankly, they were. Every kid placed around the table sat down, beginning to eat. Mary inspected a book that was being read by Ben sitting next to her as she ate, successfully keeping her mind off Five.

That is, until he aggressively shoved his knife into the table. Mary, along with most of the academy kids jumped, turning to Five with the utmost amount of fear in their eyes.

Nobody interrupts during dinner.

"Number Five?" Hargreeves didn't look up from his plate when acknowledging the boy. Mary desperately tried to catch his eyes, pleading for him to not do exactly what she knew he was trying to.

"I have a question."

"Knowledge is a goal that I can admire, but you know the rules. Talking is forbidden, you are interrupting Herr Carlson." Oh yeah he knew the rules. Everyone did. Five had broken every rule ever set for dinner time in those minutes that day. The kids started to turn back to their meals when Five pushed his plate across the table, interrupting yet again. Mary continued to silently beg him, yet he didn't acknowledge that she was even there.

"I want to time travel."

"No." Hargreeves shut him down immediately. Five pushed back in his chair, standing.

"But I'm ready. I've been practicing my Spatial jumps like you've told me to." To prove this, Five jumped from his seat to stand directly next to Sir Hargreeves, "See?" Hargreeves didn't even look at him, and continued to eat his dinner. Mary, on the other hand, had her eyes fixed completely on Five, her utensils untouched.

"A space jump is trivial compared to the unknowns of time travel. While one can be compared to sliding along the ice, the other is like descending blindly under freezing water and showing up again as an acorn." Five, fuming, shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Well, I don't get it."

"That proves you're not ready." Five scoffed, and turned to Mary, who shook her head wildly, pleading with every inch of her body language for him to just sit down. To her complete despair, Five just turned away.

"I'm not scared."

"Fear isn't the issue. It might deeply affect your body and your mind, along with anybody else who may interfere. These effects are completely unpredictable. Now you are forbidden to talk about this any more." Five stood for a moment or two before turning and rushing out of the building. Mary, in a panic, jumped from her seat and rushed after him, knocking her chair over in the process. Hargreeves called after them, "Number Five! Number Zero! You haven't been excused! Get back here this instant!"

Mary followed Five out the front door, watching in horror as he began to prepare his stance. She knew this would happen. He was about to time travel. She started to sprint, "Five, wait!" She grabbed onto his arm.

And then he was gone.

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