Take Down

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(Ben's P.O.V)
Bye the time I got there both Speed and Stature were arriving. "Sorry I'm late I wanted some authentic Chinese food... want some?" Speed said holding out a container of fried rice. "No I'm fine Fisk should be in his office on the top floor. We should move in a stealthy take care of this not to cause a panic of the civilians."
Alright care to give me a lift?" Stature said shrinking and jumping on my shoulder. "Let's go!" We lifted a grate and entered the vents. After a few minutes of crawling we ran into a dead end. "You wanna get us outta here?" Speed said impatiently behind me. My stingers shot out of my arms as two long barbs made of adamantium came out. I used the spear like appendages like scissors and cut through the bottom of the vent. As we landed on the floor we were in front of an elevator. As we entered, I pushed the top button. We didn't really speak just listened to the sound of elevator music as we rode up. Finally the door ding'd and opened. "Whoops... wrong floor?" Speed said to the horde of guards outside Fisk's office. They were unamused and started firing at us. I jumped on the ceiling. "Get on my wrist!" Stature climbed to my wrists. As she did, I extended my stingers and launched her towards the guards and she started punching them with the strength of ten times her body weight knocking them out. Speed zoomed through knocking out some guards. I rammed my stingers in the back of a larger guard and injected paralyzing venom. And he fell to the floor with a thud. We cautiously approached the door and when the door opened Fisk was sitting at his desk eating a steak. "Well.. that was dramatic." He pointed at the security camera on the wall with his fork. "We are taking you back to jail." He set his fork and knife down with a clank. "Please I run that jail how do you think I got out." He said with a smug smile. "Who says your going back to THAT prison?" Speed said staring out at the helicarrier flying over to us slowly. Fisk stood up grabbing a gun from under his desk firing the whole clip. Speed ran I front of me and stature and caught all the bullets in super speed. Fisk ran at us stature jumped down from my shoulder and grew to the height of the room picked Fisk up and slammed him down. As he was getting up I jammed my stingers in his  cheats and paralyzed him. Soon enough SHIELD soldiers carted him off to shields jail. Nick fury walked up to me as we were about to leave. "Spider-Sting good work today almost as good as your dad at his age. I would like you to watch over a new hero his name is hulkling and he's gonna need help fitting in." Fury said as a green boy with blonde hair walked up. "I uh sure I'll just have to run it by my dads but he can come we are heading back to the tower. Come on hulkling." as I gestured towards a window. Speed picked up Stature and ran down the side of the building to the tower. Me and hulkling jumped from the window and raced to the tower, he was fast for his size.

Thanks to my new beta reader Gina E

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