The End (Part Three)

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(Cassandra's POV)
Every hero capable of getting up to the portals did and started jumping I trying to help locate The Spot. I stayed on the ground and watched along with all the non flying heros as Ironman scanned the portals one by one. "Do you think he could find it?" I asked as we waited. "He's Tony he could do anything he sets his mind to." Captain America said as he walked up behind me placing his shield on his back. After another two minutes finally we found it. "I got a hit! It's that one right there."  Ironman said as he pointed. "Ok Speed, Hulkling your with me everyone else make sure those villains get locked up right now go!" I said as everyone did as they were told.  "So bossy."  Speed said before running up the nearest skyscraper and launching into the portal followed by Hulkling super jumping in the portal. "So this is what being leader feels like no wonder Captain America and Spider-Man and Ben like it so much." I said as I saw Ant-ony by my foot. I tossed a growing disc on him and mounted there was a not on his antenna "Go get em Cassie love dad and Hope"  I took off above the portals just in time to see Ben fly out of one. "Hope on!" I called as I grabbed his hand and pulled him up.  We hovered straight over the portal to Spot. "This is our stop."  I said as he grabbed my hand. "Be careful and lets win this together." We jumped in still holding hands.
(Ben's P.O.V)
   We went through the portal and something was immediately weird it felt as if there was no gravity it was a bright white dimension. "Dude there's no traction in here!" Speed said running at super speed. "Yeah no shit moron." The Spot said as he stood in the void. "This is my domain you really think I'd let you have an advantage."
That's when I heard Stature speak from next to me. "So What now? What's your plan? Why did you free all those villains and rob those banks?" He let out a chuckle. "Well the banks were for fun and money and now and the villains well now they owe me a favor." Suddenly a portal opened behind him and behind us he snatched Stature from behind. She let out a scream as he twisted her arm back. She struggled as tried to grow but it only yanked her arm back more. "Let her go!" I yelled. She slammed her leg backwards to her back pocket as growth and shrinking disc fell out and floated in the void. "Please be a growth disc ... Please be a growth disc ... Please be a growth disc!" She said under her breath as she kicked the disc towards us. "Hulkling catch!" As a doc hit Hulkling he grew five times in the size. "I see where your going with this! Speed grab my ankles and Hulkling pick us up." I commanded. "Now Throw!" Hulkling hurled us towards Spot. "Now spin at super speed Speed!" I said as my stingers extended ." Just before we hit Spot Stature shrunk. "Now Speed!" I said as I felt a tug at my feet and I slowed down .
(Thomas's P.O.V)
I went into super speed and yanked my self onto Ben's back and ran off it launching at Spot pointed my feet and landed on his chest and grabbed Stature before launching off Spot and grabbed a shrinking disc that was floating there tossing it at Hulkling before tackling him out of the portal.
(Ben's P.O.V)
I jammed my stingers into the spot. "Now either you come with me go to jail and get the antidote to I don't know stay alive." He let out a chuckle or how about I die and leave you locked in here." He said with a wicked smile as laughed some more. I noticed poison filling his veins heading to his brain suddenly his eyes rolled into the back of his head he passed out. I looked behind me and I noticed the portal was closing. "Fuck it!" I said as I punched off him and towards the portal I looked back to see him floating away and blood trailing off my stingers and floating in the void. Suddenly a shooting pain in my neck as I exited the portal. I went to touch the spot that hurt then u realized the only thing that made it through the portal. " aw shot shit shit heal faster." I said as my shoulder blades and stubs for arms healed back. Finally little finger and then... I smacked into the ground.
"Good morning sleepy head." Cassandra said as she sat on the end of my bed. Then it hit me I'm not wearing anything. "Sorry couldn't dress you while you were still healing then you know the view was nice so I never got around to it." She said as she started taking off her suit.
(Deadpool's P.O.V)
"Aye aye aye there are children reading! Just know that they lived happily ever after! Now go to bed you have stuff to do tomorrow!"


Beta read by Gina E

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