Training Day 1

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(Ben's P.O.V)
When we got back to the tower it was packed. Dad's team and Grandpa's team were there. Thomas and Dorrek headed to the kitchen. "What's for dinner we're starving" Thomas yelled as he saw a vision cookie. "Hey buddy how's the mission!" Dad said taking off his web shooters. " It was interesting we ran into these two black portals that just went from one side of the street to another and now they just closed." I said. Aunt Teresa and Great Aunt Natasha butted in. "There might be something in the SHIELD database." Great Aunt Natasha said. "Yeah we will go check." Aunt Teresa said putting her hand on my shoulder before both of them walked off. "Hey bud lets have a sparing match before dinner go get your team and meet down in the training room." Father said tapping my shoulder. As he and Dad walked off.
"Ok I hope you guys are ready to spar we are all watching the order will go as follows.
Ben vs Peter and wade
Cassandra vs Tandy and Teresa
Thomas vs Sam and Tyrone
Dorrek vs Danny and surprise Original Avenger."
Grandpas voices rang over the speakers in the training room. As I walked in the opposite side as my dads. "We aren't holding back so give us everything you got!" Father yelled as the bell dinged and it began. I quickly ran up the wall as father shot at me. I extended my stingers to the fullest. Dad charged at me and shot his webs on both sides of the room and launched himself towards me. As I jumped on to his back he flipped and webbed my feet together. I landed with a tumble. I was being charged on both sides I cut the webs with my stingers then jumped up just in time to jam one of my stingers in fathers gut. "Oh wow that was a good move kiddo... I'm just gonna take a nap now." He said as he fell back off my stingers. "Sleep venom nice! Now you just got me." Dad said standing on the ceiling looking down at me. I quickly ran up the wall and on the ceiling as I charged he jumped over me and grabbed me in a bear hug. "Got you Ben tap out." I just smiled under my mask and jabbed my stingers through my chest just enough to prick dad with enough sleeping venom. To knock him out we both fell asleep I woke up a few seconds later on the floor. Completely healed while my dads were asleep. "That's it folks Ben wins!"
(Cassandra's P.O.V)
The bell rings as I stepped into the room waiting on the other side was Tandy and Teresa. "I hope you're ready where to take you down!" Tandy said. With a smile. I ran at them as Teresa started firing her laser pistol at me and shrunk down to the size of a pin I jumped into Tandy's hair. "Where is she!" Teresa exclaimed pointing around the room. I pushed Tandy to the ground knocking her out and started to grow again for some hand to hand combat but I over shot it. I quickly slammed my head on the ceiling and fell to the ground as I went back to normal size and passed out from the pain.

Beta read by yours truly

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