Slow Motion Fun

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(Thomas's P.O.V)
I ran at near light speed through the streets it was so quiet. "Ooo a hot dog stand don't mind if I do. I'll take this and a little ketchup,mustard,onions,relish what else you got?" I said rummaging through the car knowing the man can't answer this fast heck he hasn't even noticed I'm here yet. "I grabbed a bag of chips and dropped them and my hotdog as they fell in slow motion I dug in the pockets of my suit for money. I pulled out o crumpled ten dollar bill. "Hey you go buddy keep the change." I grabbed my food and ran down a few more streets before dumping my Trish in a bin. I was checking Hell's Kitchen when I spotted a red stick with a line of wire flying down the street. I looked up and saw daredevil on one of the roofs. On the opposite side of the street was a guy with a purse. "Ooo fun wedgie time!" I said giving the ever slightest tug on his underwear. I grabbed the purse and ran on the roof we're daredevil was. I put the purse on him like girl took a picture with his phone sent it to my self then put it back in his pocket and zoomed off. I eventually finished my search in manhattan so I slowed down as sound returned I heard someone shout extremely loud in my ear. "Speed... Speed....SPEED!! Get to Brooklyn I found something for the last time!" It was Stature. "I'm on my way." I took off at light speed to Brooklyn. "I'm here what did you fin-. What is that?" There was Ben sticking his hand in a hole and his hand coming out of a hole across the street. "Is it a portal?" Hulkling questioned. Suddenly the portals closed and Bens arm was cut off. "Holy fucking shit that hurt!" He screamed as a new arm slowly regenerated. I ran across the street and picked up bens other arm and ran back. "Hey everybody I'm Ben and I am the leader do this go that way listen to me." I said waving his arm in the air. Startures hand grew and she flicked me knocking me over. "Knock it off!" She said sternly. "Its just a joke chill out." I said laughing suddenly Bens emblem started to beep he tapped it and a screen came up. "Hey guys we just got home where are you." Bens Dad Spider-Man said still in his mask. "Hey Spider-Man I said waving Bens arm. "Cut it out!" Stature said elbowing me. "Is that Your arm Son?" Deadpool said butting infornt of Spider-Man. "Yes Father I'll explain when we get back we are heading home now to regroup and debrief." Ben said before hanging up and taking the arm and running up the side of the building.

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