Oh No (Part Two)

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(Peter's P.O.V)
Cloak dropped us on the side of the alley. Spider-Gwen and I clung to the walls while Deadpool had his arms around my neck and legs around my stomach holding on to my like a monkey. Speed ran down the wall and grabbed three of the guys from the corner and ran past Ben down the alley. Hulkling dropped and threw the rest of the guys up in the air as cloak caught them and teleported away. Cassandra shrunk into her purse then grew again in her Stature suit. Ben let out a loud shriek as tenticals emerged from his body in every direction. "Oh that's not good!" Deadpool said from behind me. "No kidding!" Dagger, Theresa, Spider-Gwen, and Stature said in an annoyed tone. "Ok ok its cool I'll just talk to him." Deadpool said jumping off my back landing about ten feet from Ben. "Hey bud can we tal-" one of Ben's tentacles flung a dumpster at Deadpool. Deadpool pulled out a katana but it didn't stop the dumpster and he was flung into a wall. "Haha Dumpster beats sword." Nova said laughing from above us. Ben let out a evil cackle. Stature grew to the size of the building and grabbed Ben in her fist. "Ok Gwen we got this !" I said. Spider-Gwen and I wrapped Ben in a straight jacket made out of webs. He just kept cackling as he wiggled for a sec before at least twenty spikes shot threw the webs stabbing Stature in the hands, she fell to the ground shrinking to normal size. The webs came loose and Ben was pelted with bullets and light daggers from Teresa and Dagger. Out of no where Nova sped into Ben slamming him into the back of the alley. The  symbiote  creeped  up Novas arms. "Don't think so freak!" Nova said before blasting the symbiote off. "Hey that's my son your talking about." Deadpool said getting up snapping his head back around.  Suddenly there was a rumble. Everyone looked and Ben shot tentacles out at iron man who was flying over fast. Out of no where Ironman threw Captain America and the shield stopped the tentacles. Ironman shot a capsule into Ben's chest. The symbiote was sucked in it and Ben fell to the ground. "Now get him back home." Ironman said as he grabbed the back of Captain America's cowl.

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