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(Cassandra's P.O.V)
I woke up in my room in the Ant Hill in Central Park. There was a post-it note on my lamp.

"You fell asleep in the lab so I shrunk you down and brought you home."
Ps Hope should be there when you wake up, I have a meeting at shield. Have a good day at school.

It hit me me and the team have been so sidetracked we missed school. I mean Ben and I could make up the work but Thomas not so much. Dorrek had missed four days on his first week. I jumped out of bed got in a quick shower and as I was brushing my teeth I decided to call Ben. The phone rung twice before Jarvis answered.
"Hello miss Lang Ben isn't currently up but I can put you through to well, really anyone else." The voice said sarcastically. "Just wake Ben up and tell him to meet me in school then relay the message to Dorrek and Thomas if he's there." He agreed and I hung up and walked out of the entrance of the Ant Hill. The door wouldn't open so I looked at the security cam we had on a near by tree. There was a dog walking around outside the hole that's why it was on lock I watched the screen I felt something brush pass my leg. "Oh hey Ant-ony!" He has a blue squeaky toy in his mouth. "Good thinking." I dug through my bag and pulled out one of my spare growing disc. I opened the emergency door and pushed ant-ony and threw the disc at him. As the ant grew the dog yelped and ran away. "Good boy here take one of these. I said as I pulled a chip out of my lunch and tossed it on the ground and threw a shrinking disc at Ant-ony, he shrunk to his normal size.
When I arrived at school Ben and Dorrek were waiting for me outside. As the bell rang the quad emptied and there was a blur followed by a bag crumpling. It was Thomas, he was juggling bags and drinks"Here you go guys fresh bagels from France and a tea for Cassie from Britain and fresh coffee from Finland for Ben and two Cokes from the 7-eleven down the street for me and Dorrek. We all ate as we walked to our lockers and eventually went our separate ways for first period.

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