The End (Part Two)

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(Steve's P.O.V)
When we arrived on the street all the villains were lined up extending across the road. Cars were tipped behind them buildings were on fire due to the rampage they did when they walked here. "Ben take Spot, Hawkeye take Barron Zemo, Cloak and Dagger take Mayham, Iron Fist take Madame Gao, Thor and Nova you get Ronin, Spiderman and Deadpool take Doc Oct, Black Widow and Teresa take Mystique, Hulk you handle Magneto, Hulkling and Speed handle Venom and Carnage, Ironman you handle Modoc and finally Stature, Ant-man and Wasp you take Yellow Jacket." There was a brief silence as everyone lined up to there respective enemies. "I've got Red Skull." I said as I tightened my shield. "Avengers..." I said as we all started walking and jogging. "Assemble!" I said as punches, bullets, repulser blast and webs went flying.
(Thomas's P.O.V)
   With the force of both Venom and Hulklings strength they were locked in a stalemate. Meanwhile I am getting bored dodging Carnage's Tendrils. "This is getting old." I said with a yawn as I walked at the lightspeed every few seconds to dodge Carnage's tendrils. I ran over and punched Carnage in the stomach, he let out a blood curdling laugh as the Symbiote climbed up my arm. "Eww keep your hands to your self!" I said as I yanked my arm out and flung the symbiote goop off my arm. "This isn't working." I said under my breath as I scanned the street. I spotted two trash cans with lids. I ran over at lightspeed and grabbbed the lids, I ran over to Venom and I shoved him knocking him off ballance making him let go of Hulkling. "Thanks for the assist!" Hulking said catching his breath. "Here on my mark slam these as hard as you can." I gave a count down and took off at top speed running around Hulkling, Venom and, Carnage the sound waves got trapped in the speed boarder and bounced back in forth until Carnage and Venom passed out. "That's how it's done!" Hulkling said as he gave me a high five almost breaking my arm.
(Cassandra's P.O.V)
  Ant-man and I were one eighth of an inch tall chasing after Yellow Jacket as we waited for Wasp to get enough ants to block his path. As I ran Yellow Jacket blasted a brick causing it to collapse from above us. "I got it go get him!" Ant man said as he grew to half an inch to hold the brick up. I followed Yellow Jacket as he ran into a crack in the wall leading inside. That's when I saw it, the room was filled to the entrancw inside with ants. "Hey Yellow Jacket catch!"
I said as I threw a Growing disc and a shrinking disc milliseconds apart. He grew and slammed his head on the inside of the crack and shrunk back down unconscious. Ant-Man ran up behind me followed by the entrance of ants opening up and Wasp walked in. "Good job Stature way to go girl!" Wasp said giving me a high five. "Yeah I'm so proud of you!" Ant-man said as he threw a shinking disc at Yellow Jacket and picking him up and throwing him in a test tube. As we walked out of the crack and grew to normal size we could see most everyone defeated. Doc oct webbed up full of katana cuts,  Mayhem, Red skull, Magneto, Mystique, Ronin, Barron Zemo Madam Gao all unconscious and in handcuffs.
We walked up and joined the group of talking heros. "Wait were is Ben?!" I said as everyone looked around. We all looked up as we heard screaming and the sky was filled with spotted holes and Ben was just jumping through one and coming out another.
(Ben's P.O.V)
   I cornered Spot and just as I went to tackle him he fell backwards into a portal. I jumped in after him only to be spit out about a five miles in the the sky. Suddenly thousands of portals appeared and blocked my view of the city below. I straightened out and fell through one of the portals. "One of these have to be you!" I said as I got shot out of another portal and launched twenty feet in the air. "Guess I'll try again. This is gonna take a while." I said as I positioned my self to go into another portal.

Beta read by Gina E

Thank you for waiting till exams were over one more chapter to go!!!

Super Family Adventures- Next Gen 4Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora