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(Wade's P.O.V)
Jesus it's about time I haven't gotten the story told from my perspective in soooo long.

It had been about an hour since everyone got the notification that Ben was in his room and I decided to go check on him. Slowly and quietly opened the door. I saw the cutest darn thing ever Ben and Cassandra were totally cuddling while they were sleeping. I closed the door and quietly ran down the hall to the living room. Most everyone was in the living room except Tony, Bruce and Scott. "Oh my god guess peter is totally in their cuddling with Cassandra!" I said in a quiet scream. "You should give him his privacy." Steve said not looking up from his newspaper but was ignored as everyone and I mean everyone in the room dashed down the hall to see the magnificent sight of my boy with his first Girlfriend." I followed the crowd we slowly slid the door open and everyone let out a soft gasp followed by awes. "Oh they totally banged." Sam said quietly. "Shut up buckethead no one has tainted our little boys innocence yet." I said dramatically. There was a couple of quiet chuckles from Ben's team mates Peter flicked me in the face. Out of no where Scott ran into the hall and everyone moved to block the door way. "Hey guys th- Wait what's going on?" He asked. "Umm you know there was this thing in Ben's room." I said trying to not draw attention to the room and epically failing. "Cool can I see?" He asked followed by a whole array of excuses. "What did you need to tell us peter said scratching the back of his head after we quieted down. "There's been a break in at a prison." He said in a serious tone. "Which one?" Tandy asked from behind us as she shut the door. "All of them. All the prisons holding people you guys have imprisoned I'm talking Doc oct, magneto, mystique, venom, carnage, Yellow Jacket... it's a real mess." Everyone was quiet before peter spoke up. "Ok it's all hands on deck everyone suit up!" Everyone ran down the hall to get suited up. "Jarvis wake up Ben and Cassandra and debrief them." I said as I followed peter down the hall to suit up.

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