The Secret

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(Cassandra P.O.V)
We were sitting watching tv and cracking jokes until I was basically crying from laughter. Thomas just finished a stupid joke about a duck on quack and I wiped my eye smearing some makeup. "I'll be right back". as I stood up I noticed Black widow and Hawkeye staring at me. I made my way to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. The makeup that was covering my bruise below my eye was exposed. Unlike many of my bruises it was not received as Stature. I got it after school from my boyfriend Leo for getting between him and Ben. I quickly went through my bag and grabbed some makeup and re-applied it. As I opened the door there stood Black widow and Hawkeye. "How long has he been hitting you?" Black widow questioned. "No ones been hitting me. I don't know what your talking about. I just got hit in the field."  I said attempting to leave the bathroom. Hawkeye put his arm in the door jam. "You cant lie to us were spy's." He said. "Fine yes he hit me! But I can handle it I can take care of my self. Don't tell my dad or Ben or anyone." I said as I shrunk a bit and walked under he's arm and resized. I called an ant to meet me on the living room balcony and framed my backpack. "I'll see you tomorrow at school Ben, Thomas and... Dorrek." They said bye. I boarded the ant and flew off to Central Park. As we landed inside of the anthill I called home. "Welcome back Cassie you hungry?" Hope asked. "No I'm just going to bed good night."

Sorry this was so short but I got a plan and wanna make it multiple chapters.

Beta read by Gina E

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