Stuck in a Rough Spot

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(Ben's P.O.V)
Cassandra sat curled up on the couch in a blanket still stifling from crying.Natasha And Clint walked in they were just coming up after training. "You shouldn't be watching. The news it will only make you more depressed." Natasha said muting the TV. "How you doing kid?" Clint said sitting on the loveseat next to Me. "This is rough but, I'll be fine." The elevator dinged and Dorrek stepped out. "Hey sorry I'm late the street with the M&T bank was closed apparently it was robbed.The whole street is closed off so I had to find another way around. You got a B+ by the way." He said as he passed the corrected test to her. "Thank you so much Dorrek." He told her it was no problem and headed for the kitchen. "God Shifting makes me hungry" he said as he disappeared into the kitchen. "Hey their talking about the robbery on the tv turn it up!"I said as I saw a picture of the bank on the screen.
"Sources say a man in a white spandex suit with black polka dots was spotted at the scene. A man with the same description has been popping up all over the city in a robbing spree. If you have any information on the suspect please call the authorities immediately. And now to Maya with the weather."
"Well I say we go on patrol tonight and see if we can spot anything." Dorrek and Thomas entered. "Ok Thomas you check Manhattan, Dorrek you get Bronx, Cassandra you get Brooklyn and I will take Queens. We leave in an hour and when your done meet at Staten Island."
We all got something to eat and suited up. "Stay on Coms Guys." Speed grabbed Hulkling and ran off into the city. Stature shrunk and mounted and ant and flew off. I jumped from the building and landed shattering my legs but due to my healing factor they were healed in seconds.

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