First Timer

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(Ben's P.O.V)
I woke up around six to the sound of my alarm clock. I slowly got out of bed and got ready. I made my way down to the kitchen where I saw grandpops cooking breakfast and grandpa scrolling through a hologram of suit designs he was tinkering with. Even though Ironman doesn't really make any appearances he still makes and tinkers with his suits. "Morning kiddo". Grandpa said as he set his hologram down and ruffled my hair. "The new kid Dorrek is in the living room. He sleeps less than Steve." Grandpa said kissing grandpops on the lips. "I'll be in my lab. Have a good day at school." Grandpa said getting in the elevator. "Hey Ben your dads asked for you to call them after school and speaking of school you gotta eat or you'll be late. I'll drop you off." Dorrek walked in and we chatted while we ate. He told me he likes sports and I told him our school has a football team. I told him I'd show him were the coaches office was when we got to school.
About an hour later we arrived at school. I just shown Dorrek to the coaches office and headed to my locker. After a few minutes I saw Cassandra and Thomas walking towards me. "Hey guys want to go on patrol at lunch?" I asked as they stood on either side of my locker. "Yeah it beats being cramped in this building all day." Thomas said opening a bag of chips. "Ok but I have to be back by sixth period I have a chemistry test." All the sudden Dorrek came running up to us. "I made the team guys!" We all congratulated him just as the bell rang. "Take one of these Dorrek. It's a stark tech watch, it will show you were to go. All your books should be in your first period class and we will see you at lunch. please Don't bring attention to yourself I don't want another lecture from Fury." I said slapping the watch on his wrist and tapping the screen as two bands encased his wrist. "This is like your first time at a school isn't it?" Thomas asked. "Yeah it's so exciting." We all looked at each other. "I'll give it a week." I joked as we all walked off to our classes.

Sorry for the short chapter and for not uploading yesterday but if I ever forget or can't upload I always try to let you know so follow me so you get an alert when I upload or if something comes up your kept in the loop love you guys baiiii

Beta Read by Gina E

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