Chapter Four

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Two days after the party, I come to school. I haven't spoken to anyone during the weekend. I didn't have the strenght after the closet incident. I hope no one noticed I was gone.

I close my locker and freeze right on the spot after I see him next to me.

"Noah.", I hiss.

"I wanted to apologize for the party.", he looks down "I was pretty drunk, I'm sorry."

I raise an eyebrow. Excuse me? I can't believe my ears. Mr. Bad-Boy-Noah-Harris has come to apologize. I didn't know he did that. Usually he has his wall around him and nobody can top him. Isn't his ego a little too big for those words?

"It's okay.", I answer and get going.

He stays right there. He doesn't follow me. Things are better off when we're not together. Not that we ever were. At least we don't fight when we don't see each other. I can live with that.

I manage to avoid everyone today. I kinda miss Rob's stupid comments and I know Amy would rant today about everything that happened at party. My plan of avoidance succeds until the lunch break.

"Where the hell were you for the last three days?", Amy yells "You scared the shit out of us!"

"Home.", I answer short.

"We thought something happened to you! What the fuck, Amelia?!", Amy doesn't lower her voice.

"Obviously not! Will you get the hell off my back now?!", I hiss and get away from the table.

The chair falls over. I can feel the whole cafeterias' eyes on me. And so I see Noah's gaze following me. I hate being in the center of attention.

I stroll out and start running towards the exit. My blood boils under my skin. What's wrong with me? I can't believe I yelled at Amy. She didn't mean anything bad. But, it's beneath me to get back now. The damage has been done. It seems like not only Noah's ego is big. 

I don't stop running till I reach the exit of school. I step in front of the door and take a deep breath.

"Oh fuck it.", I exhale and keep running.

Only few minutes after, I hear steps behind me. And then someone's hand on my shoulder. Just don't let it be Noah... I think I wouldn't be able to stop myself from physically assaulting him. 

I stop. I turn around slowly. Rob. He's standing in front of me, watching me with a compassionate gaze.

"I'm sorry Amy reacted like that.", he says "I saw what happened at the party. I'm sorry."

"You shouldn't be.", I answer.

I don't know why I'm acting like this with him. I guess I just need to let it out somewhere. And of course I will use my best friends for that.

"Hey, it's okay. You can let your shield down.", Rob puts hands on my shoulders.

"I'm sorry.", I whisper "I didn't mean to make a scene."

"Well, we were missing some drama.", Rob laughs.

I smile back. Rob is so kind.

"Let's go grab some lunch.", Rob stretches out his arm, and I happily accept it.

I let him take me for a lunch. I need some alone time with him. Maybe I finally manage to forget about the whole Noah incident.

After a so-call-it-date with Rob, I feel much better. Two hours with him passed by like a second.

"Okay, theoretically speaking, if our squad doesn't exist, who would be your first choice?", Rob smiles.

"Oh, that's a tough one.", I laugh and take his hand "I think I'd go with Lucy and populars."

Rob smiles back. With him around, I don't think about anything else besides hanging out with him.

We are standing in front of my house. I smile at him, I look into his eyes and see how they're glowing. I notice him biting his lower lip. He looks into my eyes and then takes a quick look at my lips. I stay frozen. Again.

He puts hand on my cheek while his face is getting closer to mine. Now he's just few centimeters away.

And finally, he puts his lips on mine, cupping my cheek with his hand. I get all tingly  with those weird feelings in my stomach. Like I've been connected to electricity. I kiss him back. 

The feeling is kind of...weird. I guess positive weird. Even though I like Rob, I can't say this is fulfilling all of my expectations. Something is missing. No matter how much this feels right and good, there is something blank inside of me. Maybe some sort of passion. Something to improve this whole experience. 

Our moment is interrupted by a loud thud coming from Noah's house. I step away from Rob and look down.

"Um...", I start, but I actually don't know what to say.

Rob just smiles. He cups my cheek again, and crosses his thumb over my lower lip.

"See you around, Melly.", he goes other way, and I stay frozen on the spot.

Just like that, Noah passes me by like a bullet. He looks beyond pissed. Accidentally, at least I hope, he shoves me with his shoulder.

"How about you watch where you're going?", I hiss after him.

That question makes him stop. Oh shit. He turns to me, his hazel eyes glaring at me. He slowly makes his way towards me. Once again, I stay frozen on the spot. He has that weird look on him. Like he could murder someone.

Now is the first time I see his dark side. That bad boy he had in him is finally showing. This is the moment I meet other Noah.

"Wanna repeat that, Houston?", Noah says through his teeth.

I give him a scared look. There is nothing I could see in his beautiful eyes besides darkness. This Noah is making me scared to my bones.

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