Chapter Twenty Three

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In the morning, I wake up alive with all my limbs. Looks like Noah's not mad anymore about last night.

I make my way downstairs. Sight in the kitchen shocks me. Table is full of strawberry ice cream. Noah sits alone and when he sees me opposite to him, he shoves full spoon in his mouth.

Something in me breaks. I can't believe he's eating my favorite ice cream without me. Maybe this is a make up?

I joyfully start walking to table. I see a spark in his eyes. He shoves another spoon in his mouth.

"Oh, good morning, Amelia.", Noah says.

My smile dissappears when I come closer to table and notice all the boxes are empty.

"You bastard.", I hiss.

I can't fucking believe it. He ate all the ice cream without me.

All kinds of feelings consume me. A sudden wave of sadness, dissappointment and anger flashes through me. And then amusement. He's gonna shit himself later.

"I'm sorry, you wanted some?", he asks mean.

I can't control myself when I jump on table. Nor when I swim through boxes and crash Noah onto floor including his chair.

I find some ice cream that was left in the box.

I'm sorry strawberry, I think to myself.

I smear all that ice cream on his face. Noah screams like a girl.

"You don't even like strawberry, you pig!", I yell at him, thickening layer of ice cream on his face.

"It was worth it!", he screams when I shove some ice cream into his nose.

I lose control over him after he screams the last time. I fall on the floor next to him. I can't hold the laughter in. Especially when he looks at me.

His skin is not even visible from ice cream layers. And it gets better! His nose is stuffed and pink substance is dripping from it.

"This isn't over, Houston.", Noah says, spitting ice cream.

I hear the three Musketeers' steps somewhere behind me. They are followed by laughter. Suddenly, some force lifts me from the floor. I find myself on Ray's shoulders.

"New leader of West!", Ray chants and lifts my hands up.

"Lea-der! Lea-der!", Sawyer and Joyce start chanting.

Noah stands opposite to us, completely defeated. I stick my tongue out at him. Turns out, I'm the new leader for the squad.

Our little performance is interrupted by doorbell. In second, everyone freezes. Ray puts me down. Noah opens oven and takes a gun. Wait, what?

Suddenly, all four of them have weapons in their hands. Noah opens the door with one hand. In other, behind the door, he has his gun.

"What do you want?", Noah hisses.

I don't see who's at the door, but according to Noah's reaction it is not good.

"I meed to talk to Amelia.", familiar voice at door says.

I still can't figure out who it is. Voice is ringing through my head. And then I remember. Only when the person enters the house. Chase. I frown when I see him.

"What are you doing here?", I cross my arms.

"I need to talk to you.", Chase sighs.

Noah freezes on the spot. He looks like he's not comfortable leaving me alone with him.

"Fine.", I shrug my shoulders.

I start walking first towards little office on the end of hallway. I close the door after him when he comes in.

"Yes?", I ask.

He looks like he hasn't slept the whole night. Like some huge worries are on his mind.

"We might have a problem.", Chase sighs.

"What kind?", I ask a bit more interested.

Chase crashes on the chair next to him. He masages his temples.

"Elena is pregnant.", he says in a blink.

I choke on my spit and start coughing. So hard that for a second my eyesight goes black. My mother is pregnant?

I sit next to him and now I rub my temples.

"Excuse me?", I ask after a second.

"She told us yesterday.", he answers "She said she wanted to announce it when we went for that dinner, but apparantly there was too much argument."

"Impossible, she's a woman of age.", I state.

It's true. Even though mother gave birth to me when she was young, she's still close to fourties now. From what I know, it's not really healthy to get a baby in that age.

"She won't really keep it, is she?", I say quietly.

Chase stays quiet for a while. His silence gives me the answer.

"Wedding is in three months.", he answers equally quiet.

I look at him. I look at the guy who was nothing to me yesterday, and now he's my future step-brother. And you have to protect family.

"Why did you come to tell me?", I ask.

He stays quiet. Seems like neither he knows the answer.

"I'm confused, Amelia. This wasn't supposed to turn like this.", Chase finally says "I love Elena, she's really kind. But I didn't want her marry him and have a child."

I snort. It's not like I wanted it to end up like this either. Heck, I didn't want my mother to leave me.

"I was a child when I lost my mom. I was aware of that much later. Shit, I didn't even know kids had moms.", some distant sad smile appears on his lips "You know, when I went to my friends before, I thought mother was just some babysitter they had. I had a babysitter. I thought that's the same as mother. Until I was ten, I said for that woman that she was my mom. Until dad sat me down for a talk once.  He said I didn't have a mom."

Chase suddenly shuts up. His eyes look wet. I stay quiet. I don't want to comfort him till he finishes his story. He looks like he hasn't talked about it in a while.

"I was so jelaous at other kids that had a mom.", Chase says with small smile "I felt like a freak. Until dad found Elena. I just clicked with her. She always talked to me about everything. It felt like she was my mom. But she would only come at night and afternoon. She wouldn't stay for long."

I feel some compassion for him. I know my mother is caring woman. I know how therapeutic conversations with her can be.

But those days are over for me.

"And then she suddenly came to us. I was so happy.", he says "Then I was sad. Cause I found out she had you. And I could only imagine how you felt. I was selfish and didn't want to let her visit you. I wanted her for myself."

Miraciously, I don't feel even a glimpse of hatred towards him. If she wanted, she'd come. But she didn't. And she left me.

"And now when I found out for other baby on the way, it all crashed. I'd rather be sharing her with you than with someone who's always gonna be with her.", Chase looks down.

I don't have any emotions left. It all left me the minute she walked away. That baby is going to be just another Chase that will steal my mother.
Not like I give a damn anymore.

"Look, I want to say I'm sorry.", I say sincerely "But honestly, I really don't give a fuck."

I meet his surprised look. He didn't expect that kind of the answer. Honestly, neither did I.

He looks at me with worried eyes while I give him back blank look.

That woman means nothing to me now.

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