Chapter Sixteen

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Plane is filled with comfortable silence. Mother's new boyfriend, Greg, seems to be laying on cash since we're flying in first grade. Of course, I'm sharing my seat with his son Chase.

Chase is a good looking guy. He looks buffed up, he's tall. He has sharp jaw and traces of beard along. Blue eyes of his are slightly closed, but honestly they look as big as the oceans. His hair is black and quite long, but neatly gelled back. Of course, you can't compare him to Noah or Rob, but he's still quite pretty. I think he said he was on a baseball team. 

We've been sitting in silence for the past four hours. I can't get Noah's kiss out of my head. Why did he have to do that to me?

Dad was pretty sad about my decision of going with mother. Mostly because I'm leaving for a month. And just now when we started bonding.

The next day, I'm not really concious about our trip to hotel, because of the lack of sleep. Only thing I remember is crashing on bed in the room I'm sharing with Chase.

The next morning, I wake up well rested. I finally had enough sleep to return my energy. I reach for my phone.


Is that man insane?

I scroll through each one. In half of them he's insulting me, in other half he's saying he's bored. And finally in the end he's panicking that my plane crashed because I'm not answering.

I call him on Whatsapp. He answers almost immediately. I hear music and racket in the backround.

"Noah? Where the hell are you?", I ask.

"Hey, Lacy.", he says making me blush "Why are you calling me in four am?"

I hit my head with my palm. Of course I forgot about time difference.

"We're partying at Jaydens'! You're missing all the fun!", he tries outvoting the noise "I'd be so happy if you were here!"

"I'm so sorry, Noah. I forgot it was morning there! I'll call you later.", I bite my lip "Take care."

"Always, babe.", Noah laughs and hangs up.

I sigh. I look through the rest of the messages. Some from Amy and some from Rob. I open Six of Amy's. First three of them are questions where I was and am I there yet, and other three are drunk texts so I assume she's at Jaydens' too. I text her a brief reply that I arrived and not to worry. I know she's too drunk now, but she'll see it.

I open Rob's messages. There's a dozen of his. Mostly asking where I was, telling me to have fun and send him photos. Last one surprises me. 'I'd like to repeat that date.', the message says. I open my mouth in surprise. Rob wants to do that date again? Looks like he's back to being his old self. I text him back that I arrived and I will send him everything. In the other I tell him I'd like to repeat the date too. I smile at the message before I send it. Looks like I have two worries now.

It was at this moment when I realize the room is a bit too quiet. Just when I was about to get up, my phone rings and I give all intentions up when I see Rob's name on the screen. Why is he awake now? Maybe he's on the party too.

"Is my Melly alive?", he asks and I can see the smile he has.

I don't hear any backround noises. So, he's not at the party.

"Alive and well.", I answer "You're not at Jaydens'?"

"Um, no, um...I had some bussiness. Couldn't make it.", he blabbers "Where are you? How do you know about the party?"

"Oh please, Robert, the devil knows everything.", I say with the most serious voice possible.

Rob answers me with laughter on the other side. It's been a while since I've heard him happy.

"C'mon, Melly. I told you my full name in confidence, not for you to use it against me.", Rob says, I assume he frowns.

"Guess you can't trust me.", I say.

"'F course I can.", Rob says.

We continue regular small talk. He won't tell me anything about that bussiness and insists that I send him daily report and grade my day every night. Of course Rob has stupid unique ideas. 

Few minutes after the talk, I decide to investigate the weird silence again. I get off a bed and make my way towards Chase's room. I knock. No answer. I'm reluctant for few moments and then I open the door. There's no one there.


I take a card off a shelf and go towards mother and Greg's room. I knock few times, but no one's answering.

It's impossible they're not here.

I take an elevator to reception where I'm welcomed by a young woman. She looks absolutely stunning. She takes her look off a computer and smiles at me.

"Good morning.", she says cheerfully in English.

"Hi, good morning.", I reply "Do you maybe know where my family is?", I laugh at myself because of that stupid question.

I sound like a five year old who lost their mom in the store. Woman laughs at me too.

"Um, I'm here with my mom and stepfather last night.", I flinch at that word "There was no one in the room this morning. Do you happen to know where they are?"

Woman smiles and I tell her some more details about the room and last name. She searches for something on the desk. She gives me an envelope.

"Mrs. Houston left you a note here.", woman says.

I thank her and get back to my room. Looks like mother hasn't changed her last name yet. What's Greg's last name anyways? When I enter my room, I open the envelope.

'Honey, we couldn't wake you for town viewing so we left without you. Hope you're not mad. We'll be back by two to grab some lunch.

Xoxo, mom"

Unbelieveable. They left without me in a foreign country. They left me alone. How can she leave me again, in fucking Spain? She has zero common sense. She could've left me that damn note in my room, not at the reception. What if I got locked out my room? Or I didn't think of going to reception?

I call dad. Even though I know it's around five or six back there, I have to tell him about this. He answers in a second. I think I didn't just wake him up. He's probably going to work.

"Worm? What are you doing up this early?", he asks.

"It's noon here.", I say "Mom left me this morning."

I instantly regret for saying it that way. He didn't deserve this kind of shock for an early morning.

"What?!", he yells on my ear.

"She left me a note at reception saying they couldn't wake me up so they left sight seeing. She just left me in a hotel.", I say almost sad.

Actually I am hurt. Since they took me with them, I thought they'd be better to me. They just left me here.

"I can't believe this.", dad says "Worm, if you wanna come back, I'll send you some money."

I sigh. As much as I want to go back home right now, that much that small part of me wants to give her a second chance.

"No. I guess it's gonna be okay.", I answer.

I doubt it. This is a big minus for the start. I finish my conversation with dad. I think it's time for me to enjoy this vacation. I'm going sight seeing alone.

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