Chapter Five

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Noah is a few centimeters away from my face. He's not changing his death glare. Something deep inside of me isn't letting me show my submissivness.

"Yeah, I said watch where you're going.", I say through my teeth.

All of a sudden, his look changes. He looks kind of confused, then I spot his eyes softening a little. I guess he isn't used for people talking back to him. He frowns.

"I-I'm sorry.", Noah says quietly.

"Just because you have that so-call-it a reputation, doesn't mean everyone's scared of you.", I hiss.

That cold face expression makes its' way back to his face. His eyes become...hard. They don't hold any emotion. He comes to my face again.

"I'd be more careful if I were you.", he answers.

He turns away and walks down the street. I see him getting into a black car. With a screech of tires, they leave. What the hell? 

Something in me makes me go after him. I've always been a curious person, just not that much to follow someone. I guess we'll try that out today. I get into my car and go the way they went.

I need some time to figure out where they went. I see that car somewhere in front of me and decide to keep distance, for which I hope is enough for them not see me. Something tells me this won't end well. 

Half an hour later, I park behind them on safe distance. I could barely maintain their speed and I almost lost them few times. Maybe it'd be better if I did. There's no backing up now. They'll see me if I leave now.  Noah and three more guys get into abandoned building which I assumed was a fabric factory before.

Quietly, I walk in after them. I find a wall and stand behind it. This could be my shield. I take a better look inside. There is dozen more guys standing. Noah and his three Musketeers have their backs turned to me. I need some time to actually see who are the other guys. I'm in shock.


Rob's standing in front of his own group. It appears they're arguing over something. Where am I and why did I come here? Of course I had to follow him.

All of a sudden, Noah punches Rob in the face. Rob takes a few steps back but he stands on his feet. A fight between Noah and Rob start. The rest of them are just standing there. Why isn't anyone reacting? I can't look at that anymore. I lean on the wall and let myself slide down to the floor. What exactly am I witnessing?

I put my head in my hands. I let my thoughts to wander off. They shouldn't be here for a long time. I'll just be patient a little and then I'm out of here.  I need a second to come to my senses. The voices inside are slowly dying. I think it's time to get away from here.

I get up and slowly make my way towards the place where I got inside when someone violently grabs my hand. His grip is so tight that I know there's no escape from here.

"Not so fast.", says the guy with a scar on his left cheek.

My eyes widen in shock. I'm left speechless. Shit.

He starts yanking me behind him. With every step, my arm hurts even more. I can't remember if I've ever been this scared in my life. Dude immediately made me scared to my bones. I almost stumble over some stones on the path few times. But that guy doesn't seem to mind that.

"Noah, we have a little spy over here!", the guy yells and everyone else shuts up.

I put my head down and look at the floor. I think it's smarter for me now to watch where I'm going so I don't fall. I don't need to get embarrassed now. The fact that Noah and Rob are here, slightly comforts me. I know they wouldn't hurt me. Okay, Rob wouldn't.

We suddenly stop. When I feel blood rising to my cheeks, I regret wearing a ponytail today. Great, now I can't cover up the fact that he had ashamed me.

"Let her go!", Rob yells, his voice warning.

I raise my head for a second to see his angry gaze. I focus my eyes on the floor again.

"Next time learn how to follow someone.", that guy says and releases my arm from his tight grip.

Ouch. That was violent. He could've just let it go nicely. Not that hard. I angrily shoot that guy a look. I probably look like miniature chihuahua among them. And I'm giving that guy a 'threatening' look.

"How did we earn this pleasure?", Noah asks with not so angered voice.

He kind of sounds...amused. Of course he'll find this amusing. I wouldn't even be surprised if he'd leave me hostage with that guy. 

"Strawberry.", he says that so quiet that only I could hear him.

I take a look at him and meet his amused gaze. I was right, he is amused. And I'm just standing there, scared to my bones. I feel so stupid. That's what I get for spying on people.

I stand in front of him, somewhat ashamed and scared. Just like ten years ago when I ate his part of chocolate.

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