Chapter Seventeen

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A week after we got here, and that little fight we had after they left me the first day, things have gotten a bit tense. We moved from hotel to a rented house in which we're going to be for a week. Then we're going to the second city and other house. I can't say they were a bit mad when they came back to hotel that first day, and I wasn't there. I'm kinda glad I gave them heart attack because they didn't leave me alone again. 

Rest of the days, they patiently waited for me in the rooms or lobby, and they didn't leave my side. Even though the tension between us could've been cut by a knife. 

I think dad called mother and attacked her. I mean, what kind of mother leaves her child alone in a hotel. Looks like she got angry with him for intervening. 

But the positive thing was that my relation with Noah and Rob has gotten much better.

It's Tuesday and today's plan is the beach. Arguments are present since early morning. Mostly because they've been ignoring me last night over dinner. I'm alone with mother in my room.

"If you didn't want to include me in conversations, why am I here?", I ask her after half an hour of agruing.

"Honey, we want to include you, but you immediately attack us.", she says "Last night we mention Chase's schoolarship, and you turn it to say I left you."

"Was I wrong though?", I raise an eyebrow.

"I think you have some kind of need to ruin this vacation. If you don't wanna be here, we'll be happy to pay for you to go home.", mother finally says.

Now she's practically forcing me out of here. I get off a bed and just get out of the house.

I go down the beach and find a bench where I spent most of my time here. I'm surprised to see some girl sitting there.

I don't give a shit, I think to myself and sit next to her.

She gives me a look. Her chocolate brown eyes are looking through my soul. She brandishes her head and hee blonde hair goes over her shoulder. She smiles at me.

"Camile.", she stretches her arm out.

I smile at her hospitality. Either she'll kidnap me, or I'll make a new friend. 

"Amelia.", I shake her hand.

"English?", she asks on surprisingly good english.

"American.", I answer.

She nods her head.

"Just when I thought I read people well.", she laughs "Here with family?"

"You could say that. I think I'll go back home soon.", I answer desperately needing someone to talk to "Arguments."

She nods her head and points her finger somewhere behind her.

"We're partying here almost every day. You're welcome if you wanna stay here.", she says casually like she's inviting me for a drink and not to stay at their place.

"Really?", I ask surprised.

She nods her head. One more boy and girl come towards us.

"New part of gang?", boy asks.

"Guys, this is Amelia.", Camile ceremoniously says.

"Hi.", I smile.

"This is Dia and Izador.", Camile points at them.

Izador stretches his arm which I accept. Dia offers me a bottle of Corona instead of her hand.

"Party is officially on.", Dia smiles.

I accept the bottle and make my way with them. I think this party is going to be more exciting than it should've been.

I've been in their beach house for almost whole day. I met so many people speaking almost perfect english. I'm finally charging my batteries after mother and rest of them tired me.

Three tequillas and godknows how many other drinks later, I'm sitting with Javier on the beach. Javier is a guy which I accidentaly met when he helped me open a bottle of tequilla. We're both covered with one blanket and drinking Corona.

"It's beautiful out here.", I say after a while.

"Almost as you are.", Javier winks.

I blush. Spanish guys are some special sort of guys. Real seducers. I lean on Javier's shoulder and we fall asleep.

In the afternoon I wake up in their house. I don't thinj I want to get out of here. I see five missed calls from Noah and two from Rob on my phone. Of course, mother didn't call me. I call Noah back. He answers almost immediately.

"Amelia Houston, where the fuck are you?", he asks worried.

"Noah Harris, I am having the time of my life.", I answer still a bit drunk from yesterday "Yesterday I left the traitors and found new cool friends."

"Are you insane?!", he yells into his phone "Yesterday your dad came to my door to ask about you."

"Oh...", I say a little worried.

Of course dad would be worried. Who else would be? Certainly not mother and her perfect family.

"Tell me you're safe, babe.", he says quietly.

"I am, don't worry.", I answer.

"Please, go back there and come back soon.", Noah says "I miss you, babe."

His words send goosebumps through my body. What?

"You miss me?", I ask.

"Of course. Especially when I see you hugging a Spanish guy.", he says casually.

I laugh. Ah, jelaous Noah.

Wait. Dark falls to my eyes. How could Noah know who I'm hugging with?

"What?", I ask but it's too late.

He already hung up. I call him again, but he doesn't pick up. How does Noah know who I'm hugging?

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