Chapter Eighteen

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I've been drinking with the gang for whole afternoon. Camile and Izador left somewhere to the beach and left me with Dia. She seems like the type of girl who's always ready to party. It looks like last night's heavy drinking didn't affect her at all. Just like it didn't affect me, this feels like I'm out with Amy. I miss Amy. Haven't talked to her in a long time. Since this morning.

Dia drags me to the table. Of course, when she saw my empty cup she went crazy and dragged me to get more. I like that girl.

"Ay, Ramon! Take a picture of us!", Dia yells to dark skinned tall dude.

He happily turns and points his camera towards us. Five more people jump out of nowhere and stand next to Dia and me. Suddenly, two more guys stroll onto floor in front of us. This is crazy.

Dia and I start competiting who's going to drink their five drinks before. She almost won.

I victoriously grimace at her, and she throws a water balloon at me. Spain is awesome.

I see Camile coming in through the front door. She runs towards us.

"Girl, I don't know what's up with you Americans, but I found four of them more!", Camile yells.

I give her a confused look. Maybe Chase found some friends here? Before I can realize it, Camile pulls my arm. I run beside her through the main door, all the way to the backyard of their party house. And then I see them.

Noah and three Musketeers. Messrs. Bad Boys.

My heart races.

"NOAH!", I yell and run into his hug.

He skillfully catches me and spins me. I'm firmly attached around his neck. I don't want to ever let go. I'm so glad he's here.

Wait, what's he doing here anyways?

"Wh-what are you doing here?", I ask still hung on him.

"I couldn't let my Strawberry be on her own.", he replies "That's why we came to party aswell."

I release myself from his hug and take a look at three Musketeers. I recognize them from school, Joyce, Ray and Sawyer. We've never officialy met.

"Boys.", I take a bow and make them smile.

Suddenly, Dia strolls out of house yelling my name. In panic, I turn to face her. Music stops while she lifts a bottle of beer.

"You forgot your drink!", she says the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

I start laughing while others put music back on. The party can start. I know Noah won't take his gaze off of me.

The next morning, Noah and I are walking on the beach. I'm not really sure when we went for a walk, I guess through the night with intention of sobering up. His three Musketeers have stayed in the house, compensating all the days they weren't partying.

Noah's been kicking some rock he found on the beach for last five minutes. We still haven't talked about why they're here. I think it's time to start it.

"Why did you come here?", I ask carefully.

I don't want it to sound like they aren't welcome here. I'm so happy they are here. Even though I'd be happier if Rob was here too.

"I knew it wouldn't end up well. I wanted to be here for you if something went wrong.", he says truthfully.

"Guess you were right.", I answer sadly.

Noah stops and takes my hands into his. He looks at me somewhat compassionate, like he feels sorry for me.

"What happened there, Mel?", he asks.

I sigh. I haven't talked to anyone about it, in the face. Except I shortly told Camile about why I've left. It was easier for me to block it out and have fun than to think about how my mother left me.

And so I start talking to him. Telling him everything. All from coming to hotel, staying in the hotel. Everything through ignoring me and arguing through the day. And then blaming me for destroying the vacation.

By the end of my story, Noah firmly hugs me. I hug him back. I let my head rest on his shoulder.

"Let's go get your stuff.", Noah says, not letting me from his hug.

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