Chapter Fourteen

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After Noah woke up in my room, I guess we started hanging out again. We almost forgot about whole scene in the closet at the party. For the last week we go to school together and hang out afterwards.

Noah changed a lot, but no matter what he still stayed the same moron I remember. Even though he's in a gang. I'm somehow trying to forget the fact that he's living a dangerous life. And that he doesn't like Rob.

We're sitting in gelateria, opposite from one another. Just like the old days, he's eating chocolate muffin, and I'm eating strawberry ice cream. He never liked ice cream, he always said it 'hurts his brain'. Which led me to mocking him that he doesn't have a brain.

"How did you even end up in a gang?", I ask stuffing my mouth with more ice cream.

He shrugs his shoulders until he chews everything that was in his mouth. Thank God that he doesn't like talking with his mouth full because I know he'd spit all over me with chewed muffin.

"I started hanging out with those people and they dragged me there. It took years for me to progress but now I'm one of the major.", Noah says "But I'm still not satisfied. I need to get to the marrow of West, right now I'm just one of low lives."

I process all that information. I don't want to admit to myself I have no idea what he's talking about. I'm dully looking at him like I understand. I shrug my shoulders, stuffing into my mouth all that ice cream that was left.

"Why don't you like Rob?", I ask.

Noah's face changes. Obviously he didn't expect that question. I don't think he likes when Rob is even mentioned. I conclude that because I can hear him scraping his teeth.

"We're two opposite sides. It's innated for us not to like each other.", Noah answers simply.

And that's it? That's their big reason? When I just think about all the ideas I had why they don't like each other, just for Noah to say the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

"Mom left us.", I say directly, without emotions "She found other guy, went to him and now wants me to go to Spain with them."

For a second, Noah looks like I caught him off guard for news like that. Especially because a long time ago, my mother was like his. He coughs when he comes to his senses.

"Are you gonna go?", he asks.

"I don't know.", I shrug my shoulders "I want to go because she's still my mom, but then again I don't becaude she left me."

Noah nods his head and stays quiet. I assume it's not exactly easy to give advice after all the things he's heard. It's not easy for me to decide if I loved her or not.

"Maybe you should go.", he finally says "Use them for the trip."

He starts laughing. I roll my eyes at his stupid statement. Until I think about it a little better. Spain for a month. For free. Okay, the only price is looking at her and the new man, but I guess I could live with that.

"Noah! You're not that stupid after all!", I start laughing.

He follows by laughing until he realizes what I've said. It takes a moment for him to change his face expression into shocked and hurt. Then he shrinks his lips and frowns. He looks like that boy I used to hang out with.

"I'm not stupid.", he says with quiet child's voice.

"Jesus, wipe your cheek.", I say dead serious.

He looks at me and starts wiping with his sleeve. He gives me a confused look.

"But there's nothing there.", he says.

"It was.", I answer "Your stupidity started showing."

And then I start crying from the laughter. It's been a long time since I mocked someone like this. Mostly because I know Noah always falls for my jokes.

I wipe away my tears and continue laughing to his stupid face. He opened his mouth, not believing what I've told him. I guess he forgot how it feels when we hang out. Frankly, I did too. Which normal person would make fun of a gang leader? Does his gang know what kind of an idiot leads them?

"How. Dare. You.", he says, strinking me with his deadly look.

I guess my laughter is so contagious, he starts laughing with me. We need couple of minutes to chill out.

"I've missed this.", I finally say.

"Me too.", he answers sincere "It's been a long time since someone fucked with me like this.

Finally, I think, I finally have my best friend back.

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