Chapter Fifteen

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It's been a week since I told mother I'll go to Spain with them. All thanks to Noah. Mother sounded overwhelmed, although she doesn't know I'm just using them for a free trip. We're leaving tomorrow.

Noah is sitting on bed in my room and boring me while I'm getting ready. Like always, he's going through my stuff. He found some pile on bed and currently digging through it. I am, in the other hand, too busy digging through my closet.

"Woah, what's this?", Noah smirks "Hello, sexy Amelia."

I turn to face him. First I see his face, shocked. Then I see what's he holding in his hand. Oh no. Using his both hands, he spread my red lacy corset with rails. I wore it only once, for Valentines' with my ex-boyfriend. In a second, I feel my cheeks burning.

"NOAH!", I yell on top of my lungs and crash on him.

In jump-off, I hit his chest with my shoulder so we both fall on bed. I'm fighting him to take the damn corset out of his hands. Jerk clenched it so hard that I have no chance of taking it out of his firm grip.

Noah holds one side, and I got the other one. We're both yanking it towards each other. I straighten up, still sitting on him, and start pulling. He doesn't give in.

I punch his stomach with my fist. His muscles immediately tense, and he cries for help. I always knew how to give a punch. But moron isn't giving it in.

"Let it go, jerk!", I yell.

He just laughs. He knows I won't be able to take it if he doesn't give in. Unbelieveable, this amuses him.

"I'd like to see you in this!", he laughs.

Wait, what? Noah Harris wants to see me in lacy corset? No, I can't think about that now.

I start yanking harder, but it seems Noah is amused by my unlucky moves. Rashly, he excessively pulls the corset, which makes me fall after it. I fall on Noah's chest and now I'm inching from his face. Is it me or it's suddenly so hot in here?

We both shut up, none of us laughs. All you can hear is loud and uneven breathing. I feel his hand going up my back.

Noah looks into my eyes. I'm scared to look away. I'm scared to lose my chance of losing a chance for a kiss. His eyes look down my lips and meet mine again.

He raises an eyebrow. I feel him slowly releasing corset. His other hand finds its way to the small of my back. Now or never, Amelia.

I rashly pull the corset underneath him and victoriously straighten up on him.

"A-ha!", I yell.

Of course, my stupid brain didn't figure out Noah would straighten up in the same time, since his hands are around me.

Before I can react, Noah flips me around in a second and manages to get me lay under him. He's holding my both hands with his, while his other one caresses my cheek.

He's close to me again.

"Amelia, can I kiss you?", he asks, his breath on my neck gives me goosebumps.

Unknowingly, I nod my head. Or maybe knowingly? Noah is fucking attractive guy and of course I won't miss a chance for him to kiss me. I'll be mad at myself later.

His face is only few centimeters away from mine, and I feel his lips brushing mine. It's too hot again.

All of a sudden, he crashes his lips onto mine. Of course, not physically hard, in a way like someone lit fireworks in my brain.

His hands lets go of mine and finds a way to edge of my shirt. I lightly rise, helping him take off my shirt.

He moves from my lips for a second and I immediately feel emptiness and craving for more. He pushes me back to bed, but this time his hands are exploring my breasts.

His tounge finds mine and I let him. Kissing Noah is the most special thing that has ever happened to me. I could get used to this.

Our special moment (more like half an hour), is interrupted by doors opening downstairs. I get off of Noah, I somehow ended on top of him again. I can finally take a breath. Noah is still gasping and devouring me with his eyes. I see his chest going up and down.

Shit. Fastly I put arms around my chest when I realize I don't have my bra on.

Noah gets up off a bed. My legs turn into jelly as he comes closer. He puts his hand on my neck, crashing me to the wall. His other hand lifts my leg and puts it around him. He raises my chin and gives me one more passionate kiss.

Why is this so hot and arousing? He lets me go after a second, leaving my body crave for more.

I cough.

"Um...", I start but I block out "This"

Noah just laughs and throws my bra at me. I try to put it on, but of course I'm too blocked out to buckle it.

"Let me help you.", Noah says.

I turn to face him. My body is tingling from his touch, while his fingers are touching my back. I can't give myself to Noah.

He throws me my shirt. When I finally get dressed and don't feel so much exposed to Noah's look, he gets off a bed.

He's standing right next to me. He puts a hair strand behind my ear and leans closer.

"Bon vojage, doll.", he says on my ear "I expect to see you in that in a month."

His words give me goosebumps. I gasp on his ear when he grabs my butt.

He steps away from me and makes some super-stupid face.

"Don't get lost.", he throws a stuffed animal on me and runs out of my room.

What just happened?

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