Chapter Seven

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I'm woken up by a loud argument downstairs. Again. I sigh trying to collect every will I have to get out of the bed.

For some time, I stand on the edge of the stairs. Like I used to do before. I'm eavesdropping on their fight. Eavesdropping got you into this stupid situation with Noah and Rob. Seems like they just began to fight since they're talking about who did what wrong. For a while, I've been suspecting they're close to divorce. I just can't seem to accept that idea. They've always looked like a perfect couple. I don't know what's the reason for constant fighting.

They'd often wake me up in the middle of the night, nothing would make sense and they'd always selfishly put me in the middle of them.

Like always, I cough on my way down. That's how I learnt to interrupt their fights, at least while I'm home.

"Good morning, honey.", mom says, her back turned to me.

Dad had already gone to the living room. Typicall. Everytime I get downstairs, someone runs away.

I mumble some greeting, not even sure which. She's not even listening to me anyways. I take a toast off a table and get out. It's better to be out of the house while they're at it. I don't feel like listening to it.

I sit on edge of my driveway. My toast is finished in three bites. I don't even know why I took it, I wasn't even hungry.

I let out a sigh and shove my head into hands.

"Hey.", Noah's voice scares me.

"Hey.", I lift my head up but I don't look at him.

He sits next to me. He doesn't say anything for a while. We haven't seen each other for a couple of days after that. By the energy I sense, I'd say he's uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry about that. I shouldn't have followed you.", I say shortly.

"The damage has been done.", he mumbles more to himself than to me.

He shuts up again. Sun is getting into my eyes, but I have no intention to get back inside. I think I even heard something breaking inside.

"What are you even doing here?", he asks after a while.

"Enjoying the day.", I answer sarcasticaly.

A few seconds later, dad storms out of the house. He furiously gets into the car and starts it. Then he leaves. He didn't even spare me a look. Noah shifts on his spot.

" everything okay?", he asks carefully.

His voice is shaky, like he's walking on eggs.

"No. I don't know.", I say before I put my head into hands again "I don't care anymore."

I feel his hand on my back. I think he's trying to cheer me up. I snort.

"I just...I just can't wait to get out of here. Far away from them and their shit.", I start to open up to him.

I don't even know why I'm telling him all of this. I guess it's just a habit from childhood. We used to be so close that it makes me feel like I can tell him everything again.

"I want all of this to be over. I'm tired, Noah. I'm so tired of everything.", I put my head back into hands.

And then, the crushing bear-hug. Noah Harris, the guy who wanted to kill me last night, is now hugging me? What the hell is going on? I lift my head a little, just so I could find myself few centimeters away from him.

"What are you doing?", I ask confused.

"I'm comforting you.", he says self-confident "Why, am I not doing it right?"

I just laugh and hug him back. Feels kinda weird.

"I'm sorry we grew apart.", he says in the end.

"Yeah, me too.", I answer.

We keep sitting there for a while more, and then he gets up.

"I gotta go.", he says, still standing behind me.

"Thanks, Muffin.", the nickname escapes my mouth before i get to think about it.

I was thinking about something else...I didn't mean to say that. I didn't want to mention his nickname from ten years ago. I can't believe I said that.

"You're welcome.", he answers "Strawberry."

I look up just to see him smirking. Goddamnit, why does he have to look so hot? I flip him off and shoo him away.

I can't believe what just happened. I had a civilised conversation with Noah and he smiled at me?

Noah Harris has a heart?

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