Chapter Twenty Two

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At night, we sit in the entertainment room. The room is spaceous, furnished more victorian than modern. Walls are decorated with Bordeaux color and golden details on the edges, and look is finalized by photos of Spanish warriors.

I recognize some photos of Sedetani people, who were ancient people of Iberia. On other photos are mostly bulls and bull warriors. The biggest picture on the wall is the one of Phillip II.

I observe all the details and all the photos. Then I direct my attention at the table in front of me.

There are bottles of alcohol and fizzy juices. We're continuing our private party.

"Never have I ever!", Ray yells, and rest of them accepts.

"Me first.", Sawyer says mischeviously "Never have I ever been arrested."

Joyce, Ray and Noah take few sips of their drinks. Of course they have been arrested.

"Never have I ever danced naked on roof on a party.", Noah grimaces.

Joyce flips him off while rolling his eyes, before he takes another sip of his drink.

I look at Joyce with disbelief in my eyes.

"It happened once, okay?", Joyce frowns.

We burst out laughing. Joyce doesn't look amused by us making fun of him.

He goes through his kinda long ginger hair with his fingers. It fell over his eyes.

"Never have I ever cheated on my partner.", I say.

Everyone except Noah and I take a sip. I give him a point mentally.

"Never have I ever left a party drunk.", Ray says.

We all drink. I give Ray a confused look. On the other hand, Ray looks like a fucking giant with his 6'7' lenght and buffed up look. He doesn't really look like he could get drunk easily.

"Never have I ever had sex in public place.", Sawyer says.

We all drink again. Only after I put my glass down, I see their surprised looks. Their looks make my blood boil and find its way to my cheeks. I blush. I don't miss how Noah's nostrils widened in anger.

"What? All of you drank.", I answer casually.

You're not ashamed. You're not ashamed. You're not ashamed. You're not ashamed. I keep telling myself in my head. Why do I find it so hard to believe those words?

The four of them shrug their shoulders.

"Never have I ever ran away from home.", Ray says.

We all drink except Ray and Joyce. Again, all eyes on me. I'm not quite sure if I should count this last incident as leaving, but still.

"Wow, I thought you're a good girl.", Sawyer notices.

I stick my tongue out at him. His hand goes through his army-cut hair.

"Never have I ever ate leader's last muffin.", Ray grimaces.

Joyce and I reach to grab our drinks. Joyce keeps ashamed look, while mine is more proud. I ate it and what is Noah gonna do about it?

I look at Noah who's shooting us a glare.

"You'll pay.", Noah says through his teeth.

"Ooooh.", I sarcastically fake fear.

The three of them observe my brave attitude towards Noah. I know he won't do anything to me.

"Never have I ever hit my best friend.", I say and shoot Noah a glare.

The four of them drink. Noah flips me off.

"Never have I ever fell off a swing.", Noah gives me a look.

I open my mouth in disbelief. Of course he had to bring up that shame I forbid him tell anyone. I drink. It was a long time ago, okay?

"Never have I ever ate my own boogers.", I mischeviously smile at Noah.

In a second his cheeks blush. Oh yes, Noah, bring my shame up and I will yours. This has just become a game between Noah and me.

Noah shamefully drinks a sip, while them three burst out laughing. In his eyes I see some spark that appears only for a second.
I know he's up to something bad.

Just when I wanted to quit the game, Noah forestalls me.

"Never have I ever farted during lunch and then blamed the dog.", Noah laughs mean.




That was long time ago. How does he even remember that? My cheeks are burning again, this time more than the first.

I was a child, how can he use that against me now?

While i slowly drink my sip, I remember something that'll bury him.

Viciously, I smile his way before I let the words get out of my mouth.

I can see panic and anger in Noah's eyes. He knows I'm up to something.

Oh, it's on, Noah.

"Never have I ever peed myself in the middle of the mall.", I let words escape my mouth.

Noah face turns into dark shade of tomato. Suck on that, Noah. Think better next time when you bring up childhood embarrassments.

This time, Noah slowly drinks his sip, already planning different ways of killing me.

He's sitting next to me, blushing so hard, while four of us are crying from laughter.

How does it feel, asshole?

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