Ch. 7

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Avery's P.O.V

My parent's. This could finally be my chance, I could finally find out what happened to my parent's. I was so exited I didn't even think about where I was going. Only then did I realize when I actually got there. The place was super creepy. The building's were all old and rusty. They looked like the kind of haunted places that hasn't  been touched sense 1689.

I made sure I had my pocket knife. I slowly got out of my car. I was looking around when a voice startled me "Ay sweet cheeks over here". I turned around and was sticking out my pocket knife. A boy stopped it with his  hand. "Careful sweet cheeks, wouldn't want to kill someone by accident." I slowly put my knife back "Sorry. But who are you? and what am I doing here?" He looked me up and down. Then her crossed his arms and leaned against a building. "Um you Avery?" I crossed my arms as well. "Yes and what is this about my parent's?" He chuckled.  "Sweetie this? this is what you're going to wear? Tobias ain't going to like this. Don't you have a cardigan? Or something?" I Slowly looked down. Of course my crop top and shorts.

I covered my chest. "No, the last thing I expected was to come to a haunted building and talking to probably a dead guy. So no. This is what I wore to school You never gave me time to go home and change" That was a lie. I had all the time in the world. But just the mention of my parent's made me forget everything (even my own name) And zoom to this place. 

The guy threw something at me "Here wear this" I looked down to see his jacket. I was about to say thank you when I looked closely at him. He looked like he could kill someone. Imagine all the blood on this. "Yeah no thanks" I gave it back to him. "You're call. Don't talk to me when boys are going to whistle at you and you stick out like a sore thumb and don't forget. Tobias" I was tired of hearing people say tobias like he was some gang leader.

I Glared at him "Who is Tobias? and why are you saying it like that? Like he's some I don't know gang member?" He chuckled again. "You'll see" and then walked in.

What have I gotten myself into?

Ay! sorry this chapter was a bit short. It's about to be 12 here and I still need to eat. As well as it is a school night.

Give me some feedback. Tell me what I need to improve on   

Rayyana 💜

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