CH. 19

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"One whole day" Asher mumbled "One whole day" He kept on mumbling. Tina shifted positions so she could get comfortable. Avery sat there staring into space.

"Hey, Avery how did you know it was them?" Tina asked her.  How did she know? "Well, I have a friend who is a forensic investigator she Analyzed the hair strand and it turns out it was his hair, she also found his DNA on a knife" Clearly this was there first time doing this, the murder weapon and people were easy to find.

"Why didn't you call the police?" She sighed "I got the call when we were there in the party, it was too late to call them" And she even hoped that they could solve this without any help, after everything Andrew said to her she didn't want to say it out loud. 

"But.... you wanted to do this by yourself" Tina finished, Avery couldn't help  but break down "I'm so sorry Tina.... you probably want to change the leader and I honestly don't mind" She felt arms surrounding her. Someone caressed her cheek "Hey" someone whispered, she looked up to see Asher there. 

"Avery, you are the strongest girl I know. You are also the most prettiest girl I have laid my eyes on. Every morning when I wake up I think of you and a smile instantly comes on my face and when someone touches you oh boy they better watch out because imma punch someone" Avery giggled which was music to his ears.

"So what if you messed up? I mess up Tina messes up" Tina nodded "Oh boy you have no idea" Avery laughed and turned to Asher "Thank you" Asher smiled and slowly they leaned forward "Oh dear lord" Tina said covering her eyes. Suddenly they heard a loud bang.

Asher quickly went in front of Avery, "WHO'S THERE?" Asher yelled. A person said "shh"  and the gate to freedom opened. Avery, Tina, And Asher exchanged looks. Slowly one by one got out, the door illuminated light but the rest was dark. Whoever the person was stayed behind in the shadows. "Who are you?" Asher asked the person said "Look, it doesn't matter just run" Everyone ran.

Avery looked behind and saw the person standing there with tears. "Thank you Avery" Avery smiled, she knew she did the right thing and the person realized there mistake and was fixing it. After leaving the room Avery heard a ticking sound and saw a bomb? Avery looked up and saw the person waving slowly. "AVERY" Tina yelled, she got to the exit but stopped.

She turned around running back to the Rose Gang "AVERY! COME BACK!" She turned around and yelled "NO, THERE'S STILL TIME" She ran back and ran into the twisting hallways looking for the person who was risking his life to save there's. "ANDREW" His name echoed around her but there was no reply.

"Avery?" she turned around to see Andrew frantically looking around.  "Avery, there's no time GO" She grabbed his arm "I'm not leaving without you" Andrew stood there shocked so Avery took the advantage and ran with him "AVERY, PLEASE I DON'T DESERVE TO LI-" 





"AVERY, I... I love you"

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