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"I'm so hungry Asher" I moaned grabbing my stomach. I had been wailing for half an hour trying to get some food. "There's a food court right there" Asher said pointing to some resturanta. But what really caught my eye was a STARBUCKS! I quickly ran to the shop but got pulled back by Asher. "Hey! What are you doing?" He asked me "Where are you going?" I pointed to the starbucks "There duh" He was about to say something but smirked "Alright i'm heading over there" he said pointing to a cafe. I nodded and left to the starbucks. After a lady ordered it was my turn. "Hello, welcome to starbucks what would you like?" 

I looked over the menu while licking my lips. "I would like a caremel frapp with whipped cream please, oh and a muffin" She smiled then put the order in her cash register "Alright that will be 5 missions please" Missions? They called money missions here? Wow. I pulled out 5 dollers and handed it to the woman. She eyed my money "Uh, 5 missions please" I raisen an eyebrow "I got it right here" She laughed "No, 5 MISSIONS" 

"Huh?" She sighed "Do you know how things work around here?" I blushed and shaked my head no. "Alright, let me tell you. Ahem, let's say you have gone throught missions and in total you have 7 missions all you need to do is give me 5 of them. Like this 7-5=2 so now you have 2 left over."

Oh, i got it know. "Right! that! sorry my 67th misson was just so hard!" I cleared my throat "Right uh" The lady stopped me "How many missions have you done?" I gulped. I was always good with lying, i can do this "67" She chuckled "You do realize that i can check the system right?" You know what i did? I yeeted out of the store. By the time i got to the cafe my heart was racing.

"Hey, took you long" I lifted my head to see Asher there smirking and eating a muffin holding 2 coffes and holding a paper bag. My mouth was wide opened "How?" He smirked deeper "wheres your food?" How did he get these things? And why was he smirking? Then it hit me. "You JERK you knew about the missions didn't you!" He shrugged "Maybe" I was about to punch him in the stomach when he pushed the paper bag into ym face. "What is this?" I grumbled. "Open it" Inside was a muffin "Huh?" He chukled "Your welcome" He got this... for me? I felt touched "Thank you" he winked and i blushed.

"Wait, but how did you get this?" Did Asher come before? As far as she knew he had no missions eather. "I got looks Avery" Wait, so he got food becuase of his "looks". what the banana? "But... you don't have looks" Asher rolled his eyes "Yeah, becuase apparently you don't see it"

They both laughed until they heard a voice "Avery And Asher come to the foyer, this is an EMERGENCY!" 

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