Chapter 45 - Derek

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I walked the distance back to where Mom and Dad were parked, and I could see Dad talking to that Mansfield scout again. I ducked behind a car, waiting until their conversation was over before walking again. Maybe I was avoiding the issue at hand, but I had bigger things to focus on at the moment. Well, what school I'm attending is a fairly big decision, but that's not the point.

Eventually he walked off, and I went around the other side of the car when the coast was clear. Mom caught my eye and got inside the car, as did Dad. I opened the back door, hopping in and stretching my legs out again. Leaning my head against the window, I closed my eyes for a little bit. Phew. I was pretty tired.

Pulling out, Dad started up conversation. "Great game, kid. I mean you had some crazy close saves."

I opened an eye, then closed it again before responding. "Thanks." Both Mom and Dad were too concentrated on the road ahead to notice my exhaustion.

"And that player that tried to get a rise out of you! His expression was priceless when you stopped his punch. That was like straight out of a Chinese-action movie."

I laughed, still resting. "Thanks."

There was a pause. "But don't get into fights. Because fights are bad."

Mom must've given him the look, but I responded with a light laugh and an okay anyway. I listened and answered more questions on the ride there, constantly falling into sleep and then waking up. Surprisingly there were no questions about school or the entire issue or my second outburst, which I didn't mind. Eventually we got back to hotel, and in a daze I walked to the couch and collapsed onto it, kicking my shoes off and closing my eyes for just a minute. I asked Dad before he went into his room, "Why aren't you asking me about the scholarship?"

He paused for a moment. "You've got better things to think about. We'll talk once we get home."

I yawned. "Okay."

"And if you're taking a nap you should probably move to your bed."

"I'm..." I yawned once again. "Fine."

I heard him laugh before leaving the room. The sun was bright, but I made the effort to turn over and bury my face in the pillow, arm hanging off the side. It would've been more comfortable to move to the bed, but I was already falling asleep once more. I guess it wasn't quite true sleeping, just deep resting I guess because I could still hear Mom laughing at my strange position I was too lazy to change.

I don't know how long I half-slept. But what woke me up was a loud knock at the door. I picked my head up a little, out stretching the arm I was laying on. The knocking came again, but I physically couldn't get up. There was no way. They could wait and someone else could get the door.

"Hi, Mrs. Weaver."

"Hi Wyatt, you played a good game earlier today."

"Thank you. Where's Derek?" I didn't hear her respond, but she must've moved to let Wyatt in because he was laughing, probably at my sprawled out self. "I see. I'll take care of this." Mom laughed this time, shutting the door and responding with an unsure okay.

A second later, a foot nudged my leg. "Get up."

I groaned in response, no way I was moving. He kicked my leg this time, much less gentler than before. "I'm serious. Get up."

I turned my groan into a no, shifting around to face the couch. He continually pushed on my back with my foot. "Get up, dude."

I lazily waved an arm behind me, trying to hit his leg away. "Quit."

"C'mon, come hang out with us. Maddy'll be there."

"Later," I replied. "Ten minutes."

"Fine. If you aren't there I'm recruiting a team to drag you to my room."

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