Chapter 17

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So something happened with this chapter, please re read it if you have already, I posted it at first and then realized that I posted an older version that I wrote like three days ago.
Wattpad can be so annoying at times honestly, I finish a chapter and publish it and it post an old revision.
I'm sorry if you'd already read this, but its not the same, I made a lot of changes so please reread it thank you ❤

Follow me on IG at *the_goldenjournal


The week had ended, and I've never been so glad to welcome the weekend. Throughout the week, I'd been slammed at the hospital, working eight to five shifts back to back, being on my feet the whole day and barely eating past potato chips and cheese puffs with water. Ali urged me to eat from time to time and if he wasn't so busy himself, he looked about ready to force a full meal down my throat.

He was coming from a good place and looking out for me, but I think the fact that I'd never done so many surgeries in a week since my medical career began like I had this week, my appetite was a no show.
But apart from that, I was happy, happy as in in a good place and basking in it while it lasted kind of happy.

Ali was awesome, every day I got to see a side to him that I didn't know was there, in his interactions with his patients who were mostly kids and how he would cheer them up with a joke or a compliment, or in how he occasionally brought me lunch when I could catch a break between consults and surgeries which would be a sandwich from the hospital cafeteria but nonetheless, the thought was sweet, or how we would make breakfast together in the morning after praying fajr together, he even taught me how to make his green smoothie, not that I liked it but I wanted to learn to be able to do it for him every other day.

He was getting more comfortable using babe instead of my actual name, how he would sit with me after work in the living room while we tried to rest or watch TV and he'd tell me stories about how he grew up, that was the highlight of my week if I was being honest. 

So Diana being Diana had invited herself to my house today, she said she was bringing cinnamon rolls and drinks and that I had to bake her something as well, so that we could hangout, do facial masks, chebe hair masks, eat lots of comfort food and just relax, it was a true Dee fashion Saturday and I was more than happy to oblige and unwind, and I thought it would be wonderful to invite Hala, since she and Dee met at my wedding and she needed a girls date to relax as well.

At about ten in the morning, after I'd caught up on some sleep and gotten dressed I went down stairs to see what I wanted to get ready in terms of food and drinks. I had on a light pink turtle neck body suit with dark washed high waisted jeans, the jeans were a perfect fit that Layla got me for my last birthday, she said in quote that they were booty lifting jeans, her words not mine. My hair as usual was in a top bun that I quickly put up because we were going to be doing hair masks later anyway so there was no need to braid it.

I sauntered into the kitchen and switched on the lights, Ali was still asleep, but he mentioned something about going into the hospital to do some work later.

I didn't know what to bake, what does one bake for a girls day in? I've never had one before so I decided to call someone who had the answer to every question I ever had.

"Hello Mama, ina kwana(Good morning)" I greeted when she picked up on the third ring.

"Yakike Amani? (How are you?), how's Ali? " She replied

"Alhamdulillah Mama, we're fine, how's Layla?"

"Layla is fine, she's gone to the local mosque for halaqah, its this study group they have"

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