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The boys and I were at the studio, working on some new music for our next album. So far we have three songs fully recorded, but he have 15 more to go. A majority of the songs aren't even close to finished. I've been writing songs for over six months, and I've only been able to finish three. I've tried writing something, but I either have no motivation to finish it, or I think it's unworthy to be finished. The boys have told me to just write about heartbreak, or finding new love, which is something that I've tried to do, but none of the songs come out right.

"Luke, have you gotten any songs done?" Calum asked.

"No, not yet." I replied, twirling the pin in my hand.

"I told you I could help you. We all can help you if you would let us." Ashton said as he walked into the room.

"I know, but... I... I just don't know how I feel about music anymore." I confessed.

"Woah, wait, please don't tell us you're quitting on us." Calum said.

"Yeah, and since when did you feel this way?" Ashton asked.

"I don't know. I guess I just fee..." I was interrupted my Michael walking out of the recording room.

"Man, I totally killed it in there. Hey, why does everyone seem so depressed?" Michael asked with a concerned look.

"Luke is thinking about quitting music." Calum said.

"Wait, I never said that. I just said that I don't know how I feel about music anymore. I just feel unmotivated, and I can't find anything to write about." I explained.

"We told you what you could write about. You could write about heartbreak, your struggles, or Sierra." Ashton said.

"I know, but I just can't. I don't want to write about my struggles because I don't want to live through that again. I know I've wrote about some struggles before, but this is different. This hits different." I explained.

"Well what about Sierra? I mean, you guys are dating right? Write about her." Calum suggested.

"We aren't dating yet. I never asked her to be my girlfriend."

The boys looked at me in shock.

"You never asked her out?" They all asked in unison.

"You guys have been together for almost six months. Why haven't you asked her out?" Michael asked.

"I don't wanna rush things. I mean I rushed things before, and you guys know how that went."

"You're not rushing anything if you ask her out now." Ashton said.

"Maybe asking her out might give you the motivation to write music." Calum joked.

I thought about what they said and took it into consideration. Maybe asking Sierra to be my girlfriend will actually give me some sort of motivation or idea. Maybe that's what is keeping me from writing.

"Alright, I'll ask her out. Besides, I've been planning to anyway because she brought it up too."

"Wait, she did? Wow, she must really like you if she stayed all this time and just asked about it. She's a true keeper." Michael said.

"Yeah, I don't see any problems with her. She seems like the perfect girl for you." Ashton agreed.

I thought back to all of the amazing moments I shared with Sierra. She would've left a long time ago if she didn't like me a lot. I should've asked her out a long time ago.

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