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"Gone... she's actually gone." I whispered before finishing my first bottle of whisky for the day.

I threw the empty bottle into the pile of shattered liquor bottles, the whisky bottle shattering once it hits the wall. It's only been a day since she left, and I've already managed to drink my weight in alcohol. My house is a complete pig stye. Dirty clothes and unwashed dishes everywhere. The house smells like bourbon and sorrow. How did I let myself get like this? It's only been a day, and I'm already in bad shape.

My phone rings, taking me out of my drunken gaze. I stare at my phone, trying to focus on the words that were dancing all around the screen. It took me about a minute to realize that it was Ashton calling me. I didn't answer him. He doesn't know about what happened. He thinks Sierra and I are a perfectly happy couple, but we're not. We're not even a couple anymore.

I haven't talked to Ally either. She tried calling me the night Sierra left me, but I don't answer. I couldn't answer her. She called me 20 times after, all of them leading to voicemail. She finally stopped calling me after her 25th try this morning. Is that relationship ruined too? Was all of this even worth it?

My tv, which has been on full blast this whole entire time, distracted me from my thoughts. It was hard to make out what the people were saying. I tried to get the remote to turn the tv off, but I stumbled over my feet and fell, bashing my head on the coffee table. I was so out of it that I didn't even feel the pain, but I did feel a warm liquid rushing out my head. The room started spinning, the world disappearing and reappearing. This is the end, I thought. This is how I die. Pathetic and heartbroken. I attempted to call for help, but all that came out was a heavy sigh before everything went black.

"Luke... Luke please wake up. Can't y'all help him please." I hear in the distance.

"We promise we are doing everything we can. He lost a lot of blood, and we don't know how long he's been out. We're surprised he didn't bleed out." Someone else said.

I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't. I couldn't even move. Is this a dream? Am I dead? I can't be dead, I can't die now, not after hat all just happened.

"You're gonna be okay, buddy, I promise." The voice said.

I felt their hand hold mine. Their hands were pretty big. The only person I know with big hands like that is Ashton. Is this Ashton? I must be alive if I can feel his touch, but why can't I move? I try so hard to move, but nothing comes out of it. Am I in a coma? Will I stay like this forever.

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