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Luke's pov

All I can think about is Her. Her smile, her hair, her eyes, her laugh, her. I shouldn't be thinking about her, I shouldn't be feeling this way. Anytime I think of her I get butterflies in my stomach. She's still haunting me, and I don't think she'll ever stop. Her soft pink lips, her soft skin, I just wish I could touch them again. I wish I could feel her fingers run through my hair again. I just wish I could feel her touch, I want to feel her.

"Luke, hey Luke, snap outta it!" Michael snapped.

"Huh, what happened?" I asked, leaving my crazy daydream.

"We were asking how you liked the idea that we just came up with, but you were totally out of it." Michael complained.

"Oh, I'm sorry guys. Can you excuse me for a second?" I asked the boys.

They all nodded their heads with concerned looks. I left the room and went into the bathroom. I leaned up against the wall shaking my head. It's been two weeks since I've ran into Ally, and I still can't get her off my mind. She's been on my mind 24/7, and no matter what I do I can't get her off. I shouldn't be thinking about her like this. I've had dreams about her, very explicit dreams.

She's not just in my dreams, she's everywhere. One night, I was having sex with Sierra. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them, I saw Ally. Sierra was so confused as to why I stopped. I just told her that I felt sick.

"Luke, are you okay?" Ashton asked through the door.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I answered.

"Can I come in?" He asked.

"Um.. sure."

Ashton walked in with a worried expression.

"Are you sure everything is okay? You look live you've seen a ghost." He said.

"Yeah, I'm sure I'm fine Ash." I answered.

"Luke, don't lie to me. You've been like this ever since you came back from Tennessee. Did anything happen? Are you and Sierra Okay?" Ashton questioned.

"Sierra and I are fine. It's just... I saw.." I couldn't say her name. I didn't want to say her name. Saying her name would just make it worse.

"You saw who?" Ashton asked, folding his arms.

"Fuck, I saw Her! She was with her parents. She moved from New York to Tennessee to live with her parents." I spat out.

"Ally?" He asked.

"Yes, Ally. I haven't been able to get her off my mind. Ash, I think... I think I still like her." I admitted.

"No you don't. You don't like her, Luke. She broke your hea.."

"Yes, I know she broke my heart, Ashton. I know what happened, but apart of me still has feelings for her. I know that I'm fucking insane for liking someone who ruined my whole life, but I do." I confessed. Ashton just stared at me in shock.

"Listen, Luke. You know that I love you man, and you know that I'll always support you in your decisions, but this isn't it. She's not it. What about Sierra? Sierra has been there for you through everything. She stayed with you all this time because she loves you. Sierra really loves you, so why are you thinking about someone who doesn't?" Ashton asked me.

I stood there thinking about what Ashton said. Does Ally still feel the same? Does she still even like me? I mean it's been two years now, she has to have found someone else, someone better. What the hell am I doing? Sierra has been there for me, and here I am thinking about some girl who doesn't even care.

"You're right, Ash. I don't know what's gotten over me." I said.

"You probably just miss the memories between you and Ally, but you can make new and better memories with Sierra." Ashton assured me.

"So, you ready to go back to the living room?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah, but can you not tell Cal and Mike about it?" I asked.

"Sure, I'll keep it between us." Ashton nodded.

We both walked back to living room, Calum and Michael were just playing the Xbox.

"There you two are. Had fun in the bathroom?" Michael laughed.

"Shut up, Clifford." Ashton said.

I still had a weird feeling in my gut. I really don't know how I feel about Ally. I know I shouldn't like her. I shouldn't even think of her the way I have been. I have a girlfriend for God sakes. Why am I thinking about Ally like this when I have Sierra. Sierra is way better than Ally, and she actually loves me. Sierra wouldn't lie to me about anything, she wouldn't fuck my best friend. Sierra would never hurt me.

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