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I've been in a coma for over two weeks, but it feels like eternity. I can hear everything but I still can't move. Ashton, Calum, and Michael are currently in the room, talking about what happened to me. Apparently Sierra came back to my house to get the rest of her stuff, and she found me passed out. She called the cops immediately, calling Ashton right after. Sierra explained everything that happened between me and her to Ashton. They all know that I'm still in love with Ally, and they all hate the fact that I am.

"Why can't he get over her? Can't he see what she does to him? She's bad for him." Calum says.

"I don't think he can. There's something about her that keeps him drawn to her, even after she hurt him." Ashton sighs.

"I wish I could understand his thinking. Sierra was perfect for him. How is he gonna throw it all away for some hoe." Michael fussed.

"Shhh Michael, he can probably hear you." Ashton commands.

"No, he needs to hear this. She's not worth this. He's almost died over this girl twice. First, he tried to commit suicide, now he's in a damn coma. She's not worth any of this. He needs to know that there's better girls out there. Sierra was a better choice. She was the best choice." Michael ranted.

I wanted him to shut up. I don't want to hear about all of this when I can't defend myself. I've had a long time to think about what happened. And even after all the shit Ally has done to me, I still love her. I don't know what it is about her, but I love her. I loved Sierra too, but she wasn't the one. She's not the one that I want to spend the rest of my life with. She's not the one that I want to marry, or have kids with. She's not the one that I want to grow old and die with. I want to do all of that with Ally. Ally is my one and only. They all may think I'm crazy for choosing Ally over literally any other girl in the world, but she's the one.

"Just shut up Michael. She'll be here any minute. You don't want her walking in on you talking shit." Ashton said.

Wait, Ally is here? Ally is coming to see me? I must be dreaming, or dead.

"It's kinda hard not to hear him talking shit when he yelling." A delicate voice said from across the room.

I know that voice. It's a soft and angelic voice. It's a voice that I want to listen to for the rest of my life. It's Ally's voice.

"Shit, I'm sorry about that, Ally." Calum said.

"It's whatever. I understand. Has he improved any?" She asked.

I feel her small hand touch my arm. She's actually here. I can feel her. I haven't felt her soft touch in over two years. I want to wake up and hug her. I want to see her. I try with all my might to wake up, but all I managed to do was twitch.

"Woah, you saw that? He moved." Ashton pointed out.

"Ally, touch him again." Calum demanded.

She grabbed my hand and held it. She rubbed her thumb over my hand before kissing it.

"Luke, I know you're there. Please wake up." Her soft voice vibrated my body.

I want to respond. I want to jump up and tell her how much I love her. I tried to give a sign that I can hear her. I somehow managed to wiggle my fingers, earning a loud gasp from everyone.

"Someone get the doctors in here. He might actually wake up." Michael yelled.

"Come on baby, please wake up. I'm here for you. We're gonna be together, just like you said." Ally whispered in my ear.

That's all I needed to hear, that we were gone be together. I started to feel my once numb body. Everything felt light. I can see light. My eyes started fluttering until they finally opened. Everything was blurry for a couple of seconds, but I soon started to make things out. There, standing in front of me was Michael, Calum, Ashton, two nurses, a doctor, and the love of my life.

Her beautiful blue eyes met mine. Her long raven black hair was up in a messy bun. She didn't have any makeup on, but she was more beautiful than ever.

"Luke," She asked "do you remember me?"

"How could I forget you?" I smiled.

Everyone in the room cheered.

"How do you feel, Luke?" Ashton asked.

"Sore and dehydrated. Also, I really want to take a shower, and sleep in my own bed." I answered.

"You'll be able to sleep in your own bed soon. We still have to keep you here and monitor you, but you should be able to return home in two days." The doctor said.

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