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Three years later

"Stella, no that's not a toy!" Ally said firmly as she carried the little one away.

"But mommy..." Stella started to whine.

"You know daddy doesn't want you playing with his guitars." Ally scorned.

The two year old started to throw her usual tantrum when she didn't get her way.

"Stella, please don't start. You know you shouldn't play with the instruments. They're very expensive and daddy needs them." Ally said.

"Daddy lets me." Stella pouted.

"I let you do what?" I asked as I walked into the room.

Stella quickly ran to Ally and hid behind her. I ran behind her and picked her up, earning a big laugh from her.

"I wanna play." Stella said while pointing towards the guitars.

"You know you can't play those sweetie, they're for daddy." I smiled.

"I want one." She pouted.

"Then I'll buy you one," I said as I placed her in Ally's lap, "mommy and I will get you one tomorrow."

Me and ally have been married for two years now, and we have a beautiful baby girl. Things have been way better since she's finally mine. My life has a purpose again. The boys were skeptical about me marrying Ally, but they finally gave in. It took them time to accept her, especially after all that happened, but they soon learned to accept her.

The news and media was insane once they found out I was back with Ally. They kept bringing up all the old stuff that happened between us. Fans were sending her so much hate and death threats. One fan tried to attack her once when she went out to the store. There were rumors going around that I quit the band to be with Ally, but none of that was true. We still continued to make music, and we made an album too.

Things started to die down five months after we announced that we were dating again. There were still a little hate here and there, but overall things were better. things got even worse when people heard about the wedding, but we didn't let the hate get to us.

"I want one just like that." Stella said pointing at my Gibson Les Paul guitar.

"I can't get you that specific one, but I'll get you a similar one." I suggested.

Stella looks so much like her mom. She has beautiful crystal blue eyes and long, curly wavy black hair. I never expected to have a kid yet, but Stella is a blessing. Everyday I get to wake up to my two beautiful girls. Life can't get better than this.

"Looks like it's time to go to bed Stella bear." Ally said.

"Nooo! I'm not tired." Stella whined.

"If you don't go to sleep, you won't get that guitar tomorrow." I picked her up and carried her to her room.

"Can you read me a bedtime story?" Stella asked.

"Of course I will." I smiled.

I climbed into bed with her and read her favorite story "The Three Little Pigs". She was sound asleep ounce the story was over. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and slowly closed the door.

"So, what guitar are you planning to get her?" Ally asked.

"A toy one from Walmart." I laughed.

"But that's not the one she wants." Ally smiled.

"You think imma get our two year old a Gibson, crazy." I laughed as I kissed her forehead.

"You know you're a great dad." She said as she squeezed my hand.

"And you're an amazing mom." I gave her another kiss on the forehead, but she pulled me in for a kiss on the lips.

"I love you Luke." She rested her head on my chest.

"I love you too Ally."

I'm so glad that she's in my life. I'm so glad that I can hold her and kiss her whenever I want. I can't believe I get to call this beautiful women my wife, and that I get to raise an amazing child with her. I could never wish for anything better than this. She has my whole heart. All the bad things that ever happened between us are nonexistent . Ally is the one that I always loved. She's the one.

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