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Two months later
"So let me get this straight, she's moving in?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah, she's moving in with me. She already packed all of her stuff up from her parents house. It should be arriving here in a couple of weeks." I explained.

"Luke, you're really not thinking this through. I want to support you in your decisions, I really do, but this isn't it." Ashton confessed.

"I had plenty of time to think about this. Two years to be exact. I want to spend every second of the day with her. I need her in my life. She's what brings me happiness." I smiled as I thought about her living with me.

"Damnit Luke, happiness? You tried to kill yourse.... no I can't let this happen again. She's not worth it Luke. Calum and Michael have constantly asked me why I never said anything to you, and it's because I thought that you would maybe snap out of this stupid love haze. Did you forget that Ally fucked your best friend? Did you forget how you tried to kill yourself? Did you forget about the amazing relationship that you ruined? Do you think at all?" Ashton screamed.

"You guys just don't understand. Yes, I did some stupid shit, but you do stupid shit for love. I never forgot about any of the things that happened. I still love her after everything that has happened. You guys just need to accept that." I sighed.

Ashton let out a huge sigh before walking over to the mini bar to fix himself another drink.

"I'm not gonna watch you slowly kill yourself, Luke." He said softly.

"You're not. I'm happy , truly happy." I answered.

"But what if she cheats aga..."

"She won't," I cut Ashton off , "she won't cheat. We talked about this already. She told me that she's all for me and only me. She said that she won't go near Michael. The only time she'll even be 10 feet by him is if she solely has to. She loves me and I love her. Take it or leave it. I'm done arguing."

The room was quiet. It was a chilling silence. So quiet that I could hear the thoughts in Ashton's head.

"Fine! This is your life, and you can make your own decisions. Just be careful Luke." Ashton finished the rest of his drink.

"Thank you, and I promise I'll be careful." I answered.

Ashton grabbed his things and started walking towards the door.

"So when will she get here?" He asked.

"Tomorrow morning." I replied.

"Are you sure about this, Luke? Are you ready to spend the rest of your life with her?" I can see the worry in Ashton's face.

"Yes, I'm a thousand percent ready. Everything will be fine." I assured.

"I trust you." Ashton smiled.

He gave me a hug before he left my house. It feels great to know that he won't worry about me. All of this has taken a toll on the boys. They've been so worried about me, taking turns everyday to spend time with me. There's never a day where I'm not alone. I enjoyed their company, but it was a little much. I get that they were worried about my mental health, but I was fine once I knew that I could spend the rest of my life with the one I love.

Tomorrow morning I'll be face to face with her again. Embracing her into the tightness hug. I'll get to smell her and feel her again. I'll get to see her everyday. We'll start a family together, get old together, die together.

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