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I sit back slowly, watching Blake's expression change for a good minute with wide eyes. I raise an eyebrow when Blake sighed loudly and dramatically.

"What's on your mind Blake?" I prompt, rolling my eyes slightly. Blake stays silent for another moment, staying pensative.

"I-I just don't know about this Reece situation... it seems really suspicious that he is suddenly so nice, especially after how's he's treated you since you met him." Blake muses, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Blake, he was intimidated!" I exclaim.

"By you?" He raises an eyebrow, and I'm almost offended, but I can see where he's coming from.

"Look, I threatened him, he said he needed me, to calm down." I hiss, imitating what Reece had said the other day. Finally, Blake agrees, throwing his hands up.

"If you think it's fine, then I belive you. I'm just worried, don't get hurt, okay?" He says softly, his tone more cautious. I smile at him warmly.

"He won't hurt me, I promise. I'm not even gonna try anything with him, he doesn't even know I'm gay." I murmur, glancing down at my feet. I lightly tread on the autumn leaves littering the ground. Blake stays silent for a moment, before looking at his watch.

"We should get to class, we're gonna be late otherwise." He sighs, beginning to stand up. I follow after him, straightening up my jacket.

"What class do you have now?" Blake asks, sighing loudly as we walk towards the building.

"Maths." I groan; maths class has been weird for me ever since Reece told me that he thinks Mr Kahns has a crush on me. I've noticed everything he's said to me and everything he does towards me, and, as much as he is very young and attractive, it's weird.


I walk into maths hesitantly, noticing most students lounging around their desks and Mr Kahns preparing his material at the front of the class. He notices me and smiles widely.

"Good afternoon, George." He smiles widely. I politely answer, before turning back around with slightly wide eyes and making my way up the room to my seat. As I'm walking, I feel someone lightly grab my wrist and I turn in surprise to face Reece. He pulls me closer to him and a wide smirk occupies his face.

"You're the only person he's greeted today." He whispers, before letting go of me and allowing me to walk to my seat, slightly starstruck. I sit down hesitantly, still thinking about what Reece said.

"Hey George." I hear someone greet, and I turn to Lucy, who is smiling softly at me with her books organised on her desk. Lucy is a sweet girl, we've been sat together since the start of the year; she's shy but still tries her best to make conversation with me, which I admire.

"Hi Lucy, how are you?" I ask kindly.

"I'm good thanks, you?" She answers, fiddling with her fingers. I sigh before answering, looking away and back out towards the room, making eye contact with Mr Kahns. This is going to be a very strange year.

"I'm... alright." I murmur, and Lucy doesn't question it.


I grumble as I walk into the dorm room, seeing it empty again and stopping to think about where Reece might be. He's gotten into the tendency to actually tell me where he's going, after having asked me to help him stay inside the room and not go partying, as though it were something he can't control.

"George." Reece called out suddenly as we were working on our homework. I looked up momentarily, telling him to continue with a nod of my head.

"Can you help me?" He asked, his voice shy. I furrowed my eyebrows slightly and moved over to his desk with a loud crack of my knuckles, making Reece roll his eyes.

"Sure, with what?" I said, looking down at his paper and frowning when I noticed it was physics. I suck at phisics, he knew that.

"Not with my homework, silly." He chuckled, tilting my head up so that I looked at him. I blushed and sat back slightly, giving him an embarrassed look.

"Oh right. With what then?" I asked, rocking backwards onto my heels.

"Well, I just- I feel like my mind is going to rebel at some point and I'm gonna start going out and partying again, and I just don't wanna ruin my chances at this school... can you make sure you always know where I am?" Was he asking me to... protect him? Kinda like... control him? I could have sworn he was blushing in that moment as he watched me process his words, not speaking.

"Y-You don't have to, sorry, it was a stupid idea." He shook his head, tutting slightly.

"No, no, I'd be happy to help!" I quickly said, reaching to grab his arm. I wasn't sure why I did that. We both froze for a moment before Reece cracked a small smile.

"O-Okay, that's great. Thanks." He smiled softly.

But Reece hadn't mentioned anything about going out today, I could only presume he had stayed back at class or something. Surely he wouldn't go out on a Wednesday evening, right?

I'm only saying this cause I, too, want to be a good roommate. Reece has been trying so hard himself, it's really sweet and makes me feel really great.

I begin unpacking my bag, getting out the books I used today and placing them neatly on my desk. I skim through some of the notes I made, understanding most of them and nodding to myself.

After a while, the door swings open and Reece stands there, his back to me as he says goodbye to a friend. I try to see who it is but the corridor is fairly pathetically lit and all I can see is his siluete. I frown subconsciously when I hear a girls voice shyly saying goodbye, and I curse myself; now is no time to get jealous.

"Bye!" He calls as he closes the door, before turning around to face me and looking surprised to see me staring at him already.

"Hey George." He hums absentmindedly. I try to casually greet him back, but the words that come out weren't quite the ones I had intended.

"Who was that?" Reece looks up in surprise at my question, a smirk forming on his face as he straightens up.

"That, my friend, is your date."

hey, im stressed as FUCK and i just feel like crying all the time, im in such a bad mood ugh.

basically they've had to change our timetable so now i have the exams i need to do for the Spanish system (all of which i need to pass to go on to next year) + my gsce's in the same month so i'm gonna have to go back to updating once a week for that month, so sorry in advance :(((

hope you're all ok x

《 issue: roommate ~ greece, nhc 》 {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now