A few years back

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**Please note that I wrote this book when I was 13 years old ssjekek I'm planning on editing and all that, but for now, please don't judge! Hehehe I don't want to delete it either, since it's my first attempt in writing. If you have read this already, thank you a bunch. If you haven't, you can go give it a try. But I assure you that my new book is well-written compared to this one! ( a little bit of promotion isn't bad, right? ) Go over to BLOOD CURE if you want! okay ill go now sorry this was hella long sksks

Your POV

Sitting on the couch in the living room of your boyfriend, you see the piano in front of you. You remember that Jungkook knows how to play the piano and sing, one of the reasons why you fell for him. So when he comes in with two glasses of water, you ask him

"Jungkook, can you sing a song for me?"

He smiles at you and says, "Sure! What do you want me to sing?"

"I dunno, anything is fine."

He puts down the glasses on the small table on your right, and walks to the piano.

He closes his eyes, and starts playing.

The melody was beautiful, and you recongnize the song. It was "2U" the song he sang the first time you met him.

You stared at his face, taking in all of his features and doing your best to etch them on your mind.

You hated that he had to leave. That he had to move out of the country for some unknown reason to the both of you.

It was yesterday that he recieved a call from his mom, and she told him they were leaving 5:00 pm sharp for their flight today, and both of you couldn't do anything about it. He tried reasoning out with his mom, asking her why they had to leave, and if it's okay for him to stay behind with you. He hated long distance relationships, but because he loved you so much he was willing to sacrifice.

So today, you came over to help him pack and you guys just finished.

Only 2 hours before his flight.

Only 2 hours before you might not ever see him again.

And that broke your heart.

You didn't notice the tears running down your face until Jungkook stopped playing and ran to you to give you a big hug.

Both of you were a crying mess.

"Chaeyoung, I'm so sorry I have to leave. If only I could do something about it, If only I could stay, or if only you could come with me. If only I-"

You cupped his face and put your index finger on his lips. "Shhh. Jungkook, it's okay. You don't have to worry. Maybe this is the best for you! I'm sure you are going abroad for a good reason. Your mother knows what's best for you even if you say your old enough. I'll wait. I'll wait for as long as it takes for you to come back to me. Just promise me you won't forget about me okay?"

The last sentence came out as a whisper, but audible enough for him to hear it.

"I promise I won't forget you. Never in my whole life. I promise you I'll come back, one way or another."

He leaned in, and gave you a passionate kiss. You stayed like that for who knows how long, because both of you knew that it could be your last.

After a few moments, his phone rang signaling that his mother was just outside, ready to drive to the airport.

Putting your foreheads together, you could see all the sadness in his eyes.

Not wanting his mother to wait, you say
"Your mother is waiting. You should go."

"I know." he replies.

He stands up and you help him get his bags.

Both of you walk to the car waiting in front of the house. As he puts the bags in the car, he looks back at you and then gives you another kiss.

"I love you so much Lee Chaeyoung."

"I love you more Jungkook. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too."

His mom comes out of the car. She walks to the both of you and says, "I'm sorry Jungkook but we have to go. We can't be late for our flight."

After a few seconds of staring into each others eyes, you hear his mom say, "Hey Chaeyoung"

You look up at his mother and say, "Hello Mrs. Jeon."

"I'm sorry I have to take Jungkook away from you, but it's all for the best."

You honestly could not comprehend why he had to leave, but of course you could not say that so you say anyway, "I understand Mrs. Jeon."

Both of you hug and she walks back to the driver's seat.

He gives you one last kiss before holding your hands and then opening the car door. He sits down and with a heavy heart, you say goodbye one last time.

When the car moves, Jungkook peeks his head out of the window.


You laugh at his goofiness and shout back,


And that was the last time you saw him.

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